CpjJwWHV's Interview
2538 unique views

Company: infosys
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 0 Minutes
Quantitative : 15 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 40 Minutes
Verbal English : 20 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
In quantitative aptitude i dont remember the questing exactly but alsomost all questings are similer to the questions in RS
Agarwaal.. In reasoning and analytical section they will ask puzzles and if u read shakuntala devi and jimmers puzzle book
it is more than sufficient.. In verbal section they have given around 2 passages and 5 questions for each passage dont wast
more time in this section because it is time consuming.. they have given some fill in the blanks questions where we have to
search for synonyms and antonyms No technical section was there

HR Interview

In HR they asked 2 situation rection tests. 1)she asked my hobbies and replied playing cricket... she posed a question to me
that if i was appointed as cricket team captain for M-Tech mech team how i select my team.... i answered purely by
performance no partiallaity like that.. but she asked to think more then she answerd for the questions as... I alone cannot
select the team because in M-Tech there may be more that 500 students so i have to take help from some of my friends and
this shows attitutde towards team work.... 2) She asked one more question like if i am a boss and there are 5 peoples
working under me.. my boss given me one work taht has to be completed in with in a month... now it is the last day of
month and still 25% of work is remaining how i handle that situation... I answered that I will answer to the boss that from
next time i will finish 1 months work in 20 days itself so that we will not be facing this kind of problems next time.. then
she told ok....

Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 10:16 pm

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ont concentrate on technical questions because they wont ask any technical questions... you must prepare well for the
written test and Interview will depend on your logical and analytical thinking and situational reations.. all the best.. hope i
will see you in Infosys next year....

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Infosys recruitment wont concentrate too much on technical side... they concentrate on logical and analytical thinking and
situation reactions etc... so go through puzzles from shankuntala devi and jimmers... and some analytical and logical
sectons from RS agarwaal

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