CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: IOCL
Package: 8.8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

The questions are very challenging related to power systems,power system operation and control,power system
protection,control systems,basics of electrical engineering. The questions are like 1.what are the efficient circuit brakers
used in trasmission lines and why? 2.How to do the efficient maintenance of power system? 3.Applications of different
motors in day to day life?

HR Interview

The HR questions are tricky and one should answer with more attention. The questions are like 1.Why did you choose the
branch electrical and electronics engineering? 2.Being a girl how will you go to the different places of country and how do
you manage? 3.Given a practical problem at mid night how will you respond for that?


The selection process is as follows.. 1.Applied students are shortlisted based on their resumes for the interview. 2.The
interview related to technical and HR. The company IOCL is one of the reputed company in India and the selection process
is good and purely depends on the student performance.Good technical skills are required by the students.So I wish all the
juniors try hard for getting into such a challenging company.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The interview experience is very nice and unforgetable.My interview time is about 35 minutes .That was my first interview
experience and I feel very happy to sit such a valuble time with such a great people.

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