The Aptitude test finished at 10 am and there was a long wait after that.The result for Aptitude was announced at 1:30pm and my name was among lucky students.There was in total 23 panels 6-8 students in each panel.I was in the First panel .181 students out of 211 were selected for Interview.Interview started around 1:30pm .I was 6th in the queue of my panel and was trying to keep my cool, i was impatient .Finally i was called at 5:05pm.I Entered the room where my interviewer was waiting for me.I was very nervous.
Me: good afternoon Sir!
Hr: Good afternoon. Please be seated and tell me about yourself(he was busy doing some official work).
Me: i started to give my answer and he was staring hard at me i felt nervous n became silent for few moments.
Hr: Take some breaths if u need.
Me: Yes Sir.Thank you very much(friends i was happy to hear that and believe me i took 4-5 breaths and it took off my tensions)
Hr: Now tell me what are your favourite subjects .
Me: i told him java,Dbms and DS.
Hr: how many types of data structures are there?
Me: answered
Hr: what is pointer?
me: answered
Hr:what is null pointer?
me: answered
Hr: what exactly do u mean by NULL?
Me: i told him different answered based on our need .
Hr: does Null take some memory?
Me: No,it takes no memory.
Hr: r u sure?
Me: yes sir!
Hr: What is Normalization? how many types do you know?
Me: Told the definition and all the types.
Hr: What is 1NF?
Me: told the definition .
Hr: can you giv me an example to show that ?
Me: i draw the table.
Hr: can u tell me how this table will not be in 1Nf?
Me: i told him i will not contain atomic values.
Hr: wil u draw some other table to show that ?
Me: i draw the table with ADDRESS col and told him that its not atomic so, its not in 1NF.
HR: can u normalize it to level 1 i.e 1NF?
Me: I broke the address into many atomic valued attribute i.e city,state,pincode etc.
Hr: what is 2nf?
Me: told the answered.
HR: can u show some example?
Me: showed
Hr: what is primary key and foreign key ?
me: answered
Hr: What do u mean by OOPs?
me: told him
Hr: what are oops properties?
Me: polymorhsm,Encapsulation and Abstraction(i forget the fourth property i.e Inheritence)
HR: r u sure there is no other property than these(smiling)?
Me:i told him that i am sure there is no other property than this .
HR: Then what is Inheritance?
Me: ohh... i totally forgot that .
HR: Smiling... ok can u write some program to show polymorhism?
Me: i started writing(but while i was writing he took my paper).
HR: hmmm, okay afsar any question from your side?
Me: yes sir , i have three questions. first of all i want to know what i will learn in my training period?
Hr:you will learn these things like java,database what you hv already learned but it will be more advancd. what i think is that you should focus on communication skills. its very important in corporate world if you want to progress.
Me: Sir, i done some research regarding the company and found that there is some professional magazine issued by the company. can i participate in that or contribute ?
Hr: I really dont have knowledge abt these magazine.
Me: my last question is that "What is your name ?"
Hr: Showed the icard happily.....
Me: i shook hand with him and left
it was 35mins interview
My suggestions for you readers are :
1. Have confidence in your subjects
2. try not to be nervous .if nervous dont panic hr people are very friendly
3. try to prepare in time pressure .dont take apti lightly. many of my friends could not cleared apti becoz they were overconfidence. Prepare well and update yourself.
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
In total there were 211 students . 181 cleared the apti and finally 151 was selected .the result was announced at 11:30pm and i was among selected students :D
CpjJwWHV well done my friend n thank u very much 4 sharing ur experience.