CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Tata Motors
Package: 5.4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 63 Minutes
Quantitative : 27 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : Minutes
Verbal English : Minutes
Technical : 36 Minutes

Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
The written test consisted of 72 questions.Half of the questions were technical and the rest half from quant, reasoning and verbal.The test was online and strictly timed.60 seconds were given for technical and 45 seconds for others.Technical questions tested the basics and covered almost all the topics.For quants one has to be really on his toes. English was quite easy. For the guys preparing for GRE and CAT the verbal section is a cakewalk. Being adept at permutation & combination and probability will be of great help as these questions can be easily solved within the stipulated time period.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Time Given : 30 Minutes

Details of the process and your contribution:
There were 2 groups, 10 in each group. 2 minutes was given to note down the points. 7 people including me were in favour & 3 against it. I spoke after 2 people and presented my arguments in a very lucid manner giving all the necessary facts and figures which impressed the panel. I tried to garner support from others by convincing them that my arguments are completely justified. Consequently 2 people changed their opinion and this earned me extra credit.The key to succeed in GD is to be a good listener and deliver at the appropriate time without unnecessarily getting involved in the arguments. One should maintain a good eye contact and try to act as a moderator and give others equal chance to speak. Always try to initiate which shows one's leadership qualities and helps gain extra points.

Technical Interview

1.Questions on my project and internship(I had done my internship at TATA Motors)
2.Questions from metrology like Least count of slide calipers, Screw gauge etc. I was asked to draw the diagram of these instruments.
3.Some basic questions like how to measure the dia of shaft, What is EDM(my other project was on manufacturing technology)
4.Then I was asked about my areas of interest. I told Thermodynamics and IC engine. Some basic questions were asked like what is enthalpy? In which cycles enthalpy is used to find efficiency? A lot of questions were asked from IC engine like cooling system of IC engines, IHP & BHP, different kinds of losses in a cylinder, properties of lubricating oils, temperature of entire cooling system of a car, what kind of lubricating oil is used when the temp. is -10C. I was unable to answer all the questions.

HR Interview

when I entered the interview room I was asked Ain't you feeling disgusted waiting for 3 hours? I replied waiting for the interview of Tata Motors is worth waiting. They were very impressed with my answer and I could sense the good omens straightaway. Then I was asked to introduce myself. I was asked to choose between plant and sales. When I chose plant I was asked "What qualities the engineer should possess to manage a production line


1.Have a good understanding of the basics for technical part. Solving a few apti papers is sufficient for the quants.
2.Be aware of the current affairs and develop the habit of forming an opinion on varied issues.
3.Have an in depth knowledge in your areas of interest.
4.You should know your strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly. In the interview the aim should be to draw the attention of the interviewer towards your strengths without exposing the weaknesses.
5.Be yourself when it comes to interviews. Practice mock gd's and interviews with your friends.
6.Develop a good communication skill.
7.A training or project in an automobile industry will be of great help.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

26 students wrote the online test out of which 12 were selected for GD. 7 students were selected for interview. Clearing online test is important. One must be quick enough in quantitative, good in basics (Technical).The atmosphere inside the interview room was quite cool and friendly. My interview lasted around 35-40 minutes which was like a joy ride. Luck does matter in interviews. I wasn't sure of my selection as the competition was really tough, TML is the dream company of all the mechies. It was like a dream come true when I finally got selected.

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