CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Tata Motors
Package: 5.4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

90 minutes = 72 questions

Aptitude test was in two parts- Analytical apti and Technical apti.Each question had individual time limit,45 sec for analytical question and 1 min for technical question.Analytical test consisted of basic quant,logical reasoning and English.Technical test was divided in three parts-easy, medium and hard.It mainly tested the knowledge of foundry,powder metallurgy, material technology,metal forming,metal joining.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Time Given : 20 Minutes

Details of the process and your contribution:
The group size was 10.Initially,the panel asked who are going to support privatisation and who are against it.I was against privatisation.The moderator asked one to start.I was the next one to speak.My major concern was that the network of railways will be shrinked if privatised,rural areas will be out of reach of railways,safety of commuters,ticket price rise,threat of monopoly, danger of family hierarchy,logistics problem.

Technical Interview

1.Role of metallurgist in automobile sector?
2.What is powder metallurgy?
3.What is heat treatment and list various heat treatment techniques?
4.How are different parts of a vehicle manufactured?
5.What are the surface hardening techniques?
6.How is porosity controlled in parts manufactured by powder metallurgy techniques and uses of high porous parts?

HR Interview

It was mostly technical interview,HR interview was short.They asked me to tell about myself, why tata motors, meaning of 'Myname'?


Be confident and be strong in basics of quant,reasoning and english.Know the role of metallurgist in automobile sector and prepare well in those subjects as the panel members will be asking those questions.If they give any chance to ask any questions,don't waste it as it may show your lack of interest and confidence.Communicate properly and clearly.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It was my 5th interview and was not at all nervous as i was used to facing interviews.The process started at 9am and went until 8pm.I was the last candidate to be interviewed,so i had to wait the whole day while whole college was busy in Technozion.It was my most unprepared interview, i din't iron my shirt or trim my beard but i was lucky to sail through.Personal interview was relatively easier when compared to Apti and GD.

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