CpjJwWHV's Interview
3211 unique views

Company: Wipro
Package: 3.1 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 60 Minutes 50 Questions
Quantitative : 20 Questions(cutoff 10-12)
Verbal English :20 Questions(cutoff 10-12)
Technical : 10 Questions(cutoff 4-6)
there is separate cutoff for each section so give importance to all 3 sec.quant was a lil bit tough but english and technical was easy u can easily pass d cutoff.... 240 appeared for written and 179 cleared d test so it is not an elimination round...

CpjJwWHV   hiiiiii,,give me your refrence for wipro plzz

X ref no

Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 10:45 am

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GPA criteria

50% 10th 50% 12th and 60% b.tech with no backlogs

Technical Interview

my tech interview was taken for approx 55-60 mins,mine was longer one in d college.. so dont;worry for others it was abt 20 mins..ques dey asked are..
*tell me abt urself
*tell me abt subject u read till now
*tell me abt dbms n rdbms
*tell me abt relational model.
*tell me about er model.
*what is entity,tuples,attributes?
*draw er diagram for bank.
*what r keys? define all d keys/
*what is normalisation? define all nf form?
*what is insertion ,deletion n updation anomalies?
*2 -3 ques 4m transaction in short he asked whole rdbms syllabus..
*den asked me abt project
*wap to find prime no. and palindrome no.
*given 2 apti ques on time and work..
i answered around 80-90% .atlast after screwing me wid alot of technicals he gave me d hr form and told to fill dat.....after taking form felt a sigh of releif....
only 79 cleared d tech...

HR Interview

a gorgeous mam was taking hr pi..i was lucky as my hr went for anly 5 mins with easy short of hr questions.
only 58 were selected and by d god's grace i was one of 58 luckiest guys.......


if u hav good cgpa,sound technical knowledge and fair communication skill ,ur sure going to crack wipro..
be urself dont bluff and der must be some luck with u......
All d best.. see u at WIPRO

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

58 got selected out of 240

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