selection process included 2 steps-
1. first round was aptitude test.this test has 2 question papers logical reasoning and english.LR section consisted of 30 questions in 40 minutes.
English section consisted of 40 questions in 30 minutes.
I was called for reinterview after my first interview.
questions in first interview-
1.How many brothers and sister u hav?
ans- I answered that i m the only child of my parents.
2. Is it good or bad,to be only child of my family?
3. Tell me a real world situation where u hav solved any problem using decision and judgment power. It may be academic or non-academic.
4.You hav participated in various robotics competitions.Dont u participate in any cultural fests? Does your colleage organises any cultural fest in addition to technical fest?
5. You hav developed a website on 'social issues of india'.Tell me about that.What is in your website?Why did u select this topic?
6.Tell me about your final year project.
7.Do u enjoy team work? How does it help u in study and in your life?
Questions of 2nd interview-
1. Tell me about your academics.
2. why did u opt computer science?
3. What did u know about IT sector?
I hav already written earlier about the pattern of written test
Eligibility criteria was- overall 60% and more in 10th,12th and B. Tech
LR portion was easy. solving R.S. Aggrawal(verbal & non-verbal) was sufficient for this question paper.U can also solve Shakuntaka Devi.
English portion was realy very tough.Many students couldnt clear apti only due to english section.It included 2 long passages,questions from grammer like,Tense,Preposition,Clauses,sentence correction and completion,theme detection..
for Infosys, preparation for written test is msore important than interview.
Written test is the elimination round.once u clear written test,ur probability of being selected is more than 90%. They eliminate very less number of studentds in interview.
The three most important things for Infosys interview is-
1. Confidence
2. communication skills
3.Presence of mind
Dont show arrogance and negative attitude,never. Not even overconfidence
Give very practical answers.
Be careful,in Infosys interviewer may be retierd IAS officers as in our case they were. Be confident and dont afraid of thier personality because they hav very heavy
personality . Go with a smiley face because they will be of very supportive nature.
Sometimes it may happen that ur interviewer will behave rudely but dont loose confidence be calm and cool and never get agitated..
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
selection process included 2 steps-
1. first round was aptitude test.this test has 2 question papers logical reasoning and english.LR section consisted of 30 questions in 40 minutes.
English section consisted of 40 questions in 30 minutes.
2. 2nd round was HR Infy,they rarely asked technical questions in interview.none of my friend and i was asked
total 104 students have appeared and 52 got selected.
rank was undecidable because they didnt say that the names in the list is rankwise..
I will say that everything mentioned above, good gpa,good project work,luck confidence,past achivements worked in my favour but above all God is Great !!
CpjJwWHV any spl books to prepare for English section??????