We had an Online Aptitude Test...NO NEGATIVE MARKING so everyone attempted every single question. But sectional cut-off was there, each section had a pre-alloted time and order and you have to attempt them in the same order and time duration.
We had three sections in the Aptitude Test:
It was difficult....in the sense that it did'nt have words from previous papers!!!. 10 synonyms and antonyms, 2 reading comprehension passages.
QUANT: (Quantitative Aptitude)
It was the easiest,i had already seen 90% of the questions from this section,in the previous TCS papers!!
I think one can get a good idea about it from BARRONS 12th EDITON. There were 4 set of Questions.
Do practice previous TCS papers as questions are repeated every year. Barron is important for critical reasoning section.
Eligibility criteria was 6.5 GPA (65%) and minimum 60% in both 10th and 12th. (No current backlogs and not more than 2 backlogs throughout engineering)
The interviewers were really friendly.There was a lady and a gentleman.
I opened the door and asked their permission to enter,with a 1000W smile on my face.They asked me to take my seat...I thanked them and sat down.My resume was on my lap..they never asked for it.All they reffered to was the application form that I had filled the previous day.
The gentleman asked me as to,why i had scored low in my 5th semester(6.7 gpa).Maybe he wanted to break the ice by asking an imformal questions...anyway my reply was confident.He then asked me about my favourite subject,i said,
DBMS and s/w engg..and the madam started this time around.She asked me about the Various Phases of S/w Enggineering (a very genreal question)..I was able to answer it.
Then i was asked to write a c-program to reverse a string and later on,the question was about Singularly Linked-List from Data-Structures.And finally,DBMS concepts were touched upon....
In between I had actually stammered once,but I was not reprimanded.They reassured me by letting me know that they knew exactly how I was feeling.I was asked to relax,ask a cup of water if needed and then to continue…from hereon I spoke confidently till the end of the HR,making sure i made no lapse in speech.
CpjJwWHV Hi, This is Poonga from chennai. I studied B.Sc Cs only.. is that i'm eligible to attend the interview in tcs..
then in my i have 66%, in my 10th i have 68%, in 12th 56% only i have..
I had to wait a long time to meet my HR interviewer. Meanwhile I asked my other friends as to what they were asked…some unlucky guys were drilled a lot on tech..most of the ppl had had just a casual chat.
The important thing is not what u say..it is...how u say it!!!
COMMUNICATION is what people expect from u here...If you communicate effectively,
you are through.
Finally i went in to meet my interviewer.He was really sweet.He actually apologized for the delay(3hours actually)..i said it was no problem.
He intially asked me why i wanted to join TCS..i answered it from my heart(i had selected my college during counselling to get placed in a dream company like urs sir.and here I am,watching my dream come true).
Next,"ok these are the reasons u want to join TCS. Why should we hire you??".
My answer was "I do all the work tht i undertake with utmost sincerity and dedication"....(I finished it with an example of how I handle my exams.)
Moving on,he asked me about the books i read(my hobby is reading)..i told him that I had started reading in my 3rd class with Enid Blyton then moved on to Nancy Drew-Sherlock Holmes-Sydney Sheldon-Michael Crichton-Dan Bbrown ...at this juncture,we started conversing about THE WHITE TIGER!!
Finally he asked me as to wether i have any questions....i asked him
"the prospects of higher education in TCS."
When were about to finish he asked me " 3 years in chennai" , i said "yes , comfortably".
Be prepared for such questions and do not lose your calm.