The questions were generally from R.S Agarwal. First test is on number series and second test is quants. Each question had a time limit of 2mins 15secs. Out of 1200, 1000 got through this round.
We were separated into groups of 15 and were given 20mins to speak. I didnt start the GD, but spoke with clarity for about 3mins. So i along with two others were signaled to shut up and let others talk! Out of 350, 270 made it to the interviews. Just speak fluently and you are surely selected. They dint take GD seriously.
After written test, we had 'e-mail writing', this is probably the elimination round. We were given a passage and asked to write an e-mail to a client summarizing the passage, assuming us to be IBM employees. We were given 10 mins if i remember correctly and told not to exceed 8 lines. So i just wrote like i have explained all details in a PDF attached with my mail and that worked! I was through to next round and now there are only 350 out of 1000. So, for this round just learn how to write a formal e-mail and make sure you dont make any grammar or spelling mistakes. This is probably the most important round.
If you are from cse/it, i guess you have to really brush your technical skills. My cse frnds had simple ques from c and java. For non-cse, it would be better if you are good in c concepts and simple programs in the same. And more importantly be thorough with everything in the resume. I wrote making presentations as my skill and the interviewer asked me to sell my watch to him, which i did decently but at the end we both were laughing. C questions were from bubble sorting and data abstraction which i studied just before the interview. I wasn't at all confident of getting selected, but thankfully very few got rejected. Out of 270, 207 got placed. Even if you dont answer any questions, dont give up, just remain confident. You have great chance of getting placed! All the best!!
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
Around 1200 sat for the placement and exactly 207 got placed. I guess my confidence during the interview worked in my favour. Try to express a 'winning attitude'. Keep it up without any stress. I too made some mistakes in c programming, but i kept smiling and went on to the next question and i guess that's more important.
Best of luck!