CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: NTPC Ltd.
Package: 8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

GPA criteria

shortlisting on the basis of cgpa criteria and resume..

Technical Interview

The hr and technical interviews were together. technical part dominated my interview. as i was a baha sae
motoholics member they asked me more of automobiles. questions being :
1) whats differential and explain it?
2) whats power steering and explain it?
3) what is 2 and 4 wheel drive..where we have 4 wheel drive and why...
4) how we get 4 wheel drive and what is transverse and longitudinal mounting and does it depend on drive of
vehicle and if yes how?
5) what tyre size was used to make sae-baha car and whats traction?
6) whats diff between crawling motion and rolling motion and why cant we use crawling action instead of rolling in
7) whats is the cycle used in st pow plants and whats effeciency of it?
8) draw a sketch of it, name processes, explain it, include super heating, whats the work outpur, where is heat
input etc etc?
9) explain condensation and cooling tower and why superheated steam is used?
10) whats roll cage?

HR Interview

tell me abt urself, what were ur achievements in college, whats baja-sae?
why dont u take up automobiles? as u give answers with ur heart in that field, why u want NTPC, any questions for
NTPC (after interview ended)


try knowing the code of conduct for interviews as i saw the hr person looking my way of sitting and was happy
when i placed my files on my legs than on table..be very safe with answers and unnecessarily including big words
wont be good..try being cool and smile..think as if its just a discussion with unknown people...
coming to hr..keep it simple and dont show off your certi or training or anything..they know u have them..
tech can be done by seeing company profile and feedbacks..prepare st pow plants in details..pref mathur mehta
tiwari is good..it has everything they need from u..if u have a good techinal achievement in college or project related
to NTPC or good training be very good in that..not answering on that ruins ur chances..ask a question or share a
thought when they ask u after interviews..thats it..i have written everything what happened there..so for now..all
the best and keep smiling !

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

its usual to get nervous in starting but they asked me that do u want to give interview in telgu?
i said telgu radu and panel laughed..it eased my nerves off..so just be urself and try to be confident even if u are
not..do not panic and try answering crisply and precisely..it was an awsome experience and panel was too friendly
but ya technically very sound..they were asking many questions yet they gave time to think..i was more than happy
after i left the interview and they extracted every answer out of me rather than being very stiff...they were trying to
help in middle than being rude..so its was a great time inside...

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