CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: NTPC Ltd.
Package: 8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

GPA criteria

No written test.... shortlisted based on CGPA.

Technical Interview

It is based on my favourate subject....1) why k-maps 2)what is FT ? and why FT? 3)how will u obtain a DC voltage
an AC source viceversa? 4)what is the role of electronics at powerplant? 5) do know the elcectronics used in
automobiles? they asked mefive questions on this topic.... it was a light interview just u should have good basics in
electronics that's all. another question tell me an example what is the need of electronics at powerplant? i said i can
improve the efficiency by detecting the vibrations of a turbine using peizoelctric sensor then they asked what is the
princple of the sensor? some questions based on my mini project.... and industial training..... if u r perfect in basics
u can get it easily.
i answered most of the questions.

HR Interview

u r ramesh right? then tell me ur family background.... how did u get intothis(NITW)? why did u opt for telugu
in ur Intermediate(12th)? what is ur aieee rank? where are u from? where is ur school... ? how did u manage
iam a telugu medium student upto 12th) these are my HR questions.


light prepare well .... brushup ur basics.... try to do one project otherthan industrial training.... keep cool during the
interview and before... show enthusiasm!!! if u don't know the answer don't worry... they will test ur confidance
and u shouid convince them that u r a hardworker and u are going to do this job or u won't leave this company for
at least 5 years.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

it was a light interview. they shortlisted based on cgpa....they have seen my prathibha award( i wrote in my
resume) and i have impressed them by my hardwork to get it NITW(as i am telugu medium)..... and i have an edge

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