CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: TCS
Package: 3.16 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 80 minutes--35 questions
On registering for tcs v had to create our profile on d tcs portal..there v had to take two demo tests.questions in d written test on d day of recruitment came frm those demo tests only..dey just had different data values.so if u practice d demo tests properly, d written test vl b jus a cakewalk.but u got 2 practice d ques beforehand cz most f 'em r really tricky

Technical Interview

d interview took place in a indoor stadium for us...so it was nothing lyk entering a room cz der wer lots f tables arnd n ppl wer being interviewed..so wen my turn came i went up 2 my interviewers...der wer 2 f 'em..a young guy probably in his late 20s n a lady above 30.i wished 'em n dey askd me 2 sit down.i thankd 'em n sat.dey askd me 2 explain myself.dis vl alwyz b d 1st ques n try 2 mk a mark wid it.den dey askd me abt d subjcts m comfortable wid.i told 'em abt c n c++.
dey askd abt pointers n if pointers contain null value(nt null pointers).
dey askd me 2 write a pgm swapping 2 nos widout using a third variable.i cudn do it.
den dey went thru my resume.i had written in technical skills block almost everything lyk c, c++, unix, dbms, windows 7, vista,xp...dnt write everything u knw..jus those wch u r confident of.
frm dbms dey askd me d diff types f normalization n wch mormalization do we use often...wt r d DDL statements n their types,DML statements n their types, meanings f ROLLBACK n COMMIT
frm unix dey askd me if v hv 7 different processes running hw wud v kill d 5th 1 in terms f command..hw wud v show wch al processes r running at a given tym
den dey askd me abt my 7th sem subjcts.i told 'em..frm .NET dey askd wtz d difference b/w classical .NET n ASP.NET?? wt is softwre architecture al abt??wt r d different development models??frm web programming dey askd wtz d difference b/w static n dynamic pages..hw wud u achieve dynamic property??
again frm c dey askd me 2 write a program 2 reverse a string using a pointer..dis interview was nt solely technical d lady kept on asking me HR ques on regular intervals..lyk
who do u consider a good team player??
i answered Mr. Ratan Tata ji..who better dan him n tat too wen u r being interviewed bt tcs-;)
wt r d qualities of a role model?
why should tcs hire u?
my technical interview was really screwing bt den wteva i answered i did 'em pretty confidently..u hv to speak efficiently..jus elaborate things as much as u can..
at last dey askd me if i had ne ques for 'em..
i askd abt my joining date..dey wer lyk u shud ask dis wid d HR ppl..n den i askd abt d technologies i shud learn b4 joining tcs so tat i can blend in wid d working environment smoothly..my technical knowledge was nt upto d mark bt i backed it up wid gud communication skills.

HR Interview

i was called for d HR round aftr i waited for abt 45 mins..dose wer moments wer anxious..i thot i won't b called cz der wer ppl hu strtd their technical round wid me bt dey wer dne wid all d 3 rounds while i kept waiting.finally my name was called n i went 2 my interviewer..she was a passout frm my colg...2 yrs senior 2 me..n evry2 told that shez pretty chilled out..so i was a bit relieved..so i wished her n she askd me 2 sit..i thankd her n sat.she askd me whr m frm...den she askd y i want 2 join tcs??wt do i knw abt tcs?wt my long term goals r??wen askd y i want 2 join tcs i told her exactly wt she had explained 2 us during d ppt..so she was impressed by my alertness...finally it got ova n she askd me 2 leave..i askd her if i need 2 wait for d 3rd round cz many ppl wer goin thru 3 rounds bt she told me tat itz k n i dnt need 2 go thru anodr round..i thankd her again n left.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

sm 900 ppl registered for tcs bt i guess(m nt sure) 600 finally came on d day f recruitment..n 364 got selected..m nt really good at technical knowldge..so wt workd in my favour was d confidence wid wch i spoke n d communication skills.u've 2 knw whr ur strength lies n u can alwyz direct d interview towards tat..i had solid points abt y i want 2 join tcs..points tat wer told during ppt..so u've got 2 pay heed 2 d ppt..trust me it really helps..

CpjJwWHV   @Manish : thnx :) n wish u all d luck :) dnt wrry..al tat matters is confidence..so b confident n ul get thru :)
Friday, September 2, 2011, 2:02 pm
CpjJwWHV   @chandra shekhar bhakat: https://nextstep.tcs.com is d link where v registered. but I dnt knw if u can register for it der... v registered cz tcs was cmin 2 our colg n it had askd us 2 do so. dnt knw if u can do it al by urself!!! r u applying off-campus??
Friday, September 2, 2011, 2:05 pm

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