CpjJwWHV's Interview
2486 unique views

Company: infosys
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Reasoning / Analytical : -- 40 minutes -- 30 Questions
Verbal English : 35 Minutes 40 Questions

Hi friends,
Infosys came to my college, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad for the placement drive on Jan 9th & 10th.
Out of 365 students, 216 cleared the written test.
And finally 201 lucky ones got selected or I should say those 15 were not having luck on that day :(
Anyways, the written test was of Reasoning and then English.
1. There were 5 ques from "finding the odd figure out" (quite easy, so do it first).
2. There were 5-5 ques from 2 different puzzles (1 was very easy and the other 1 was quite time taking and needed concentration)
3. There were 5 ques based on "Data Interpretation" (not so tough)
4. There were 5 ques based on "Data sufficiency" (not so tough)
5. There were 5 ques based on "Syllogism" (easy, shud be done after 1st ques)

In english, there were ques from error detection, theme detection, 2 RCs,etc.

HR Interview

On 10th morning, interviews started around 10'o clock.
There were 10 HRs therefore 10 interviews carried out in parallel each time.
My turn came around 12:10 p.m.
She was a young n smart looking.
She asked ques. regarding my LAN games play(Counter Strike), "Why was I unable to make it upto finals of the Techfest at JNU?" (coz I mentioned in the CV of about reaching the semis)
I answered simply that the competion there was tough n healthy and we tried our best and could make it upto semis only.
But she again asked me that why we were unable to make it to finals.
Then I mentioned that teams came from varios instts. including IIT-R n DU colleges and we were unable to compete with them.
But again she reiterated her ques n asked dat what steps n efforts we should have taken to reach fnls.
And finally I answered that we should have implemented profound strategies and moreover we must hav watched videos of the recorded games of Counter strike available on the net and implement those strategies into our game.
And then I think she was quite convinced with the ans.
She asked 4 ques more and everytime she went 2-3 layers deep into the ques.
And everytime I answered her in every possible way and my interview lasted for 15 min.
Then, the results were announced at 6:30 pm and I was among the 201.
All the best, See u at Mysore!!!


Sit comfortably
Always answer looking into his/her eyes.
Hav a smile on ur face and be confident in ur answer.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Whenever she repeated the same ques, I answered it differently and innovatively.
She also asked about my hobby of net surfing that by what means I use to surf the net?
I answered,"Wifi" since I live in the hostel.
Then she asked full form of Wifi.
I answered "wireless fidelity"
Then she asked about working of Wifi.
I answered that too.
So, answer the ques. after thinking logically!

Monday, April 2, 2012, 1:10 pm

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