CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: PATNI Computer Systems
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

exam is online mode..
it consist of 60 questions and time limit is 60 min
totally 3 sections are there
1.verbal(20 questions)
2.logical reasoning(20 questions)
3.quantitative aptitude(20 questions)


this section is very easy. here i am attaching u a LINK it helps u a lot in this section.
http://ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/prep ositions/exercises?10

--one paragraph is given bases on smoking while driving and it's effects.. 5 questions were asked on those
--preposition based questions


--they concentrated more on time and work....(3-4 questions)
can refer example problems in rs agarwal
--pipes an cisterns
refer 2nd example problem in R.S
--area problem on triangle and square
--percentage , profit and loss problems

A person sells two things. one a gain of 10% and another at a loss of 10%.
find whether it is loss or gain

around 4-5 questions were asked on these
knowledge on the basic formula are sufficient.
--didn't ask on clocks and calenders , but it's better to go through once
--time and distance
--problems on trains
--boats and streams

logical reasoning

--problems on coding and decoding(around 3 questions were asked)
--analogies were asked. it's sufficient to prepare the analgies given in RS
--permutations and combinations
here a diagram is divided in to 4 equal parts and one part is to be chosen from the given 4 options
a series of numbers were given and the next series number is to be found
--blood relations
need not go for practicing difficult problems they were asking just simple questions
i clearly didnt remember the question , answer was father and daughter

Technical Interview

ACTUALLY 170 members cleared the written exam.. after announcing the qualified list we were asked to write an essay on the \topic given
by them . they have given 3 topics alternatively to all
1-my role model is.................
2-i respect people who are...................
3-i clearly didnt remember it was something about a team leader convincing a team member not to leave the team in the middle of the project.

They have shown a paper presentation with regards the company and announced not to get worried for the interview
There is a good thing in them that they ask the questions in the tech inte only on the subjects which u mentioned in ur resume
as an ece student i mentioned only c lanuage and control systems
as they might have no knowledge about control systems they interviewed only on C
--here in the technical they consider the essay written by us to know about our writing skills and comm skills
--many of them made mistake in writing the essay...
essay must not exceed the space provided by them
its good to use some of the good words and good english
--they asked to find the mid value of -0.6 and 1.2
--they will give a situation and asks us to tell how will v react to that situation. this is to know our mentalty
They asked that if ur friend is suffering from high fever, and u have exam tommorow. What will u do?
whether u take care of ur friend or u prepare for ur exam as it is equal to ur life?
the question may sound simple but answer must be given after thinking twice

--most of the cse and it students they mentioned DBMS in their interest subject
some of the questions asked to them are
--what is dbms
--what is view
--what is table
--what is normalization
--explain the forms of normalization
--write the program for swap of the 2 integers with out using another variable(java)
--what is trigger

HR Interview


for many of students TR and HR were conducted at a time
some of the hr questions are
--tell me about ur self
--they ask to explain the essay written by us.. (my role model is.......... this is the topic given to me-)
steps to be taken to achieve the aim
--how do u want to see urself in coming 10yrs


Be cool..... and confident

CpjJwWHV   thanks for sharing.....
Tuesday, September 13, 2011, 12:12 pm
CpjJwWHV   ohohho thank u for all elaborated details:)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 8:02 am

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No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Around 300 attended for the written exam, out of them 170 cleared it...No need to worry rs agarwal is more than sufficient. Atlast 100 were selected...
Good writing skills are very imp in writing the essay, and communication skills too...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011, 1:51 am
CpjJwWHV   Patni dont allow even a single backlog for our batch and i think they dont allow for your batch also.. They are very strict with regards to backlogs.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011, 5:19 pm

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