CpjJwWHV's Interview
1232 unique views

Company: INTEL
Package: 8.1 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

The candidates were shortlisted depending on their cgpa
Well i had to go through two rounds of technical interview. In the first round i was asked simple basic questions in
c++ such as virtual constructors and destructors, friend classes, v-table and it's functions, object orientation
concepts and other such questions mostly concentrating on classes, abstraction and other object orientation
principles, difference between class and struct, malloc and calloc.
The second round mostly consisted of coding on basic concept depiction such as on polymorphism, inheritance and
virtual functions in c++, bit masking i.e. how to set or reset a given bit position. All the problems mostly were
related to the basic principles in c++.

HR Interview

In the HR round i was asked that being an employee of INTEL if some person offers me a gold watch should i accept
it ( say after a seminar) and if on a picnic my friend who is the owner of a hotel agrees to cut short the per plate
rate for intel employees, then should i accept that offer or not.
Following which i was asked more general questions about future studies and my family which ended the


Be very thorough in object oriented concepts and classes. Make sure you make your point very clear to the
interviewer rather than beating around the bush. Feel relaxed in the interview room and do not panic in front of the
panel members. Be very confident in what you say. In c++ be very conversant with classes, memory allocation
procedure ( malloc and other similar calls). Because these are the areas in which i was interviewed mostly.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The selection procedure was quite fast. No analytical or written tests prior to the interviews. Even in the interviews,
the question were not very elaborate or tedious but they just tested our basic knowledge in c and c++. For me both
the rounds ended pretty fast and the results were declared about an hour later. The interviews began after the ppt
when the shortlisted candidates were asked to stay back for the interviews. The entire process was completed in a
single day.

CpjJwWHV   vry gd.....
Monday, January 2, 2012, 11:10 am

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