CpjJwWHV's Interview
1861 unique views

Package: 4.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 75 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
The apti is of 1 hour 15 min duration consisting of 3 sections.
1st section is english.
2nd general apti.
3rd is technical. To find errors in the code given.
The apti is ok. not that tough.

Technical Interview

Technical interview is not that tough. they asked little bit on c and c++.
Also asked about the projects.

HR Interview

HR is really nice. he is very friendly. its just of 10 min. asked questions like tell me about urself,family background.


Be positive and show that you are really interested ....tell the HR that you are very excited about the company.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The selection process is very cool. its a good experience.

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