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Intelligence And Critical Reasoning | Ordering / Sitting arrangement

Study the following information and answer the question that follow ::

Ahmed, Balasubramaniam, Curzon and Dhoni are four creative artists of great talent. One is a dancer, one is painter, one is singer and one is writer. Though not necessarily in that order.
1). Ahmed and Curzon were in audience the night the singer made his debut on the stage.
2). Both Bala and and the writer have had their portraits painted from life by the painter.
3). The writer, whose biography of Dhoni was a best seller, is planning to write biography of Ahmed.
4). Ahmed has never heard of Curzon.

Q. No. 1:Ahmed must be a
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 2:Bala must be a
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 3:Dhoni must be a
A :
B :
C :
D :
Study the following information and answer the question that follow ::

Exactly seven persons- J,K,L,M,N,O and P participate in and finish all of a series of 1km races. There are no ties for any position at the finish of any of the races.
1). P always finishes somewhere ahead of J.
2). J always finishes somewhere ahead of K.
3). Either L finishes first and N finishes last, or M finishes first and O or K finishes last.

Q. No. 1:If in a race M finishes sixth and K finishes fifth, which of the following can be true ?
A :
N finishes fourth or fifth
B :
P finishes first or fourth
C :
O finishes third or fourth
D :
L finishes second or third
Q. No. 2:If in a race M finishes second, which of the following can be true ?
A :
O finishes before P
B :
J finishes before P
C :
N finishes before K
D :
J finishes before L
Q. No. 3:If in a race L finishes second and K finishes fifth, which of the following must be true ?
A :
P finishes fourth
B :
O finishes sixth
C :
N finishes sixth
D :
M finishes third
Q. No. 4:If in a race L finishes first, P can finish no lower than
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 5:If in a race P finishes fifth, which of the following must be true ?
A :
L finishes second
B :
K finishes fourth
C :
N finishes third
D :
M finishes first
Study the following information and answer the question that follow ::

An operating room scheduled is being set up for Monday and Tuesday of a certain week. On each of the days, either, one long and two short operations or else four short operations must be scheduled. For each operation, a surgeon- Charu ; Sharma or Tendulkar- will be scheduled. Patients are scheduled will be selected from among patients 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. The following will be met.
1). A surgeon cannot be scheduled to perform two consecutive operations on one day.
2). If a surgeon is scheduled for long operation, he or she cannot be scheduled for any other operator on the same day.
3). If a long operation is performed, it must be the first operation scheduled for the day in which performed.
4). The operations for patients 1 and 3 will be long and the operations for other patients will be short. Patient i must be operated on by Dr. Tendulkar, patient 2 and 4 by Dr. Sharma and patient 7 and 8 by Dr. Charu.

Q. No. 1:Which of the following could be the schedule of patients from the first to the last patients to be operated on during the two days ?
A :
Monday - 9,8,7,6
Tuesday - 1,2,5
B :
Monday - 5,3,7
Tuesday - 2,4,6,9
C :
Monday - 3,2,8
Tuesday - 4,6,9,7
D :
Monday - 1,8,7
Tuesday - 3,6,4
Q. No. 2:If patient 1 is scheduled for the first operations on Monday, the surgeon's scheduled for the other operations on Monday, in order of time could be :
A :
Charu, Sharma
B :
Sharma, Tendulkar
C :
Tendulkar, Charu
D :
Tendulkar, Sharma
Q. No. 3:If patient 1 and 2 are among those whose operations are scheduled for Monday, which of the following patients is among those whose operations must be scheduled for Tuesday or not scheduled at all for two days ?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Study the following information and answer the questions that follow ::

A psychologist has designed an experiment that involves running for five mice - C,D,E,F and G through a maze that is connected to five compartments 1,2,3,4 and 5. The experiments places each muse in one of the five compartments. When a bell is rung, each muse leaves its compartments, runs through the maze, and enters or reenters one of the five compartments. At no point is there more than one mouse in one compartment.
1). When the bell rung, any mouse placed in 4 always goes to 2, and any mouse placed in 2 always goes to 4.
2). When the bell rung, any muse placed in 5 always goes to 3, and any mouse placed in 3 always goes to 5.
The experimenter has designed the experiment such that after the mice have run through the maze, the following outcome always obtained.
i). G is neither in 3 nor in 4.
ii). If E is in 1, F is in 2.
iii). If G is in 2, F is in 5.

Q. No. 1:If C is in 5 after mice have run through the maze, G must have been in which of the following before running through the maze ?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 2:If G is in 2 after the mice have run through the maze, F must have been in which of the following before running through the maze ?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 3:Which of the following is a possible distribution of the mice after they have run through the maze ?
A :
1-C, 2-E, 3-D, 4-G-5-F
B :
1-G, 2-F, 3-D, 4-C-5-E
C :
1-E, 2-F, 3-G, 4-C-5-D
D :
1-D, 2-G, 3-F, 4-E-5-C
Study the following information and answer the question that follow ::

The following are the nine options that are available for the Seelvar, a certain make of automobile : Air conditioning, Power brakes, Power steering, Power window, a heavy-duty engine, heavy-duty shock absorbers, a hatch-back, a sunroof, and a tinted windshield. Because of the certain manufacturing and safety considerations, the purchase of these options must conform to the following conditions :
1). If air conditioning is chosen, a heavy-duty engine, heavy duty shock absorber, and a tinted windshield are also required.
2). If any of the power-assisted options (power brakes, power steering, power windows) are chosen, a heavy-duty engine is also required.
3). If heavy-duty engine is chosen, power brakes are also required.
4). If heavy-back is chosen, a sunroof cannot be chosen
5). A tinted windshield can be chosen only for an automobile for which either a sunroof or air conditioning or both are chosen.

Q. No. 1:A buyer who does not want air conditioning but otherwise wants the maximum number of options for a Seelvar CANNOT purchase 
A :
Power windows
B :
Power brakes
C :
Power steering
D :
A hatch-back
Q. No. 2:Which of the following options can be chosen without the purchase of additional options?
A :
A heavy-duty engine
B :
Heavy-duty shock absorber
C :
Power brakes
D :
Power windows
Q. No. 3:Which of the following must be true ?
A :
A Seelvar equipped with a sunroof must also be equipped with a sunroof.
B :
A Seelvar equipped with air conditioning must also be equipped with a sunroof.
C :
A Seelvar equipped with a tinted windshield must also be equipped with a heavy-duty engine.
D :
A Seelvar equipped with Air conditioning must also be equipped with power brakes.
Q. No. 4:Of the following, which could be completed selection of optional equipment that conforms to the conditions ?
A :
Air conditioning, power brakes, a heavy-duty engine, a hatch-back, a tinted windshield
B :
Power brakes, power steering, a heavy-duty engine, heavy-duty shock absorbers, a hatch-back
C :
Power steering, a sunroof
D :
Air conditioning, power brakes, a heavy-duty engine, heavy-duty shock absorbers, hatch-back.
Study the following information and answer the questions that follow ::

In a certain emergency medical centre, seven paramedics - B,C,D,E,F,K and L are assigned to accompany three ambulance vans during a single 12 hour shift. Each paramedic must be assigned to just one of the vans according to the following rules :
1). At least two paramedics must be assigned to van 1.
2). At least three paramedics; one f whom must be F, must be assigned to van 3.
3). If B is assigned to van 1, E must also be assigned to van 1.
4). C must be assigned to van 2.
5). L cannot be assigned to van 3.

Q. No. 1:If E is assigned to van 2, which of the following must be TRUE ?
A :
D is assigned to van 1
B :
K is assigned to van 3
C :
L is assigned to van 1
D :
B is assigned to van 1
Q. No. 2:Which of the following is possible arrangements of the seven paramedics to the vans ?
A :
Van 1 : E,L
Van 2 : C,B
Van 3 : D,F,K
B :
Van 1 : B,C
Van 2 : E,L
Van 3 : D,F,K
C :
Van 1 : B
Van 2 : C,D,E
Van 3 : F,K,L
D :
Van 1 : C,E
Van 2 : D,L
Van 3 : B,F,K
Q. No. 3:If E and L are the only paramedics assigned to van 1, which of the largest group of paramedics that could possibly be assigned to van 3 ?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 4:If exactly three paramedics are assigned in van 1, which of the following must be TRUE ?
A :
B is assigned to van 3
B :
K is assigned to van 1
C :
C alone is assigned to van 2
D :
B is assigned to the same van as E
Q. No. 5:If B and L are assigned to van 1, all the following must be true except :
A :
Exactly one paramedics is assigned to van 2
B :
D is assigned to van 2
C :
Exactly three paramedics are assigned to van 1
D :
Exactly three paramedics are assigned to van 3
Q. No. 6:If E is the only paramedics not yet assigned, and if; at this point, E could be assigned to anyone of three vans, which of the following must be TRUE ?
A :
L is assigned to van 1
B :
K is assigned to van 3
C :
D is assigned to van 3
D :
D is assigned to van 1
Ordering / Sitting arrangement