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English Language | Arrangement

Q. No. 61:1). In my view, a priority sector should be an area of market failure.
2). Priority sectors include agriculture, small scale industries, housing, exports, etc.
3). Economics say that a market has failed when the market does not provide efficient outcomes for society.
4). The government of India directs substantial bank credit to what it deems are 'priority sectors' for the Indian economy.
5). It is not clear how sectors get identified for the priority tag, as there is no clearly articulated logic.
6). Markets fail for a variety of reasons.
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Q. No. 62:1). Thrills, ranging from video games to burgers cover the rest.
2). This is because the returns from browsing cover only a percentage of your costs.
3). The bigger your cafe, the more is the need for additional mean of income.
4). Some cafes can get away with being plain vanilla.
5). These fruits will make your clients spend more time with you and also add to your profits.
6). But others cannot.
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Q. No. 63:1). This man usually knocks on your door in the evenings.
2). Of his educational background, he reveals nothing.
3). He carries a briefcase that bulges around the middle and seems to come off at the clips.
4). Or he approaches you during the lunch break at the office.
5). The image of the traditional insurance agent is all too familiar.
6). In it, the 'LIC agent' carries an incredible quantity of papers.
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Q. No. 64:1). Only when you jump off the edge are you exposed to these uncertainties and take a personal risk.
2). You will be extremely uncertain about your safety. The rope could be too long or too frail and could put your life at risk.
3). But suppose they did imagine yourself taking your first jump.
4). Just kidding.
5). Till you jump, these risks remain hypothetical.
6). A little birdie from the tourism ministry tells us that they are going to throw open the Qutab Minar to bungee-jumpers.
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Q. No. 65:P). Just as with adults, pessimistic ways of interpreting defeats seem to feed the sense of helplessness and hopelessness at the heart of children's depression.
1). That people who are already depressed think in these ways has long been known.
2). What has only recently emerged, though, is that children's beliefs about their own ability to control what happens in their lives.
3). One line of evidence comes from studies of children's belief about their own ability to control what happens in their lives- for example, being able to change things for the better.
4). This insight suggests a window of opportunity for inoculating them against depression before it strikes.
Q). This assessed by children's rating of themselves in such term as : 'when I have problems at home I'm better than most kids at helping to solve problems' and 'When I work hard, I get good grades'.
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Q. No. 66:P). The study reveals that teens have an indirect impact on spending too.
1). The study goes on to profile Indian teens, segments them on their mindset, media preferences, attitudes and how they behave in the market place.
2). Thus, the presence of a teen in the home accelerate and influences purchase of entertainment durables.
3). To a large extent, it also fulfills the need for an substitutionalized system of gathering information on the dynamic market segment on a regular basis.
4). Teen personal durable ownership is up.
Q). There is a lot of justification in making the NFO-Coke Teen perspective report an annual exercise.
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