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English Language | Spotting Errors

Q. No. 67:Mark the option in the following,which contains a grammatically wrong sentence:
A :
Here, a broad, deep, circumvallatory trench, hewn from the solid rock, was defended by a wall of great strength erected upon its inner edges.
B :
I might well say now, indeed, that the latter end of job was better than the beginning.
C :
I really had not yet been able to make up my mind whether I like Uriah or detested him; and I was very doubtful about it still, as I stood looking him in the face on the street.
D :
The Prior had him own reasons, however, for persevring in the course of temperance which he had adopted.
Q. No. 68:The rooms of Silver Pavilion were designed(A) to frame(B) views of the gardens so much so(C) to be(D) beautiful in their own right.
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 69:Despite of(A) his modern management approach, company watchers don’t expect him to choose someone outside the bloodline to take(B) his place, no matter (C) how qualified that person may be(D).
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 70:Identify the INCORRECT option.
A :
They speak French in parts of Italy as well as France
B :
It looks as though John is going to change his job
C :
Smoking is dangerous, as well as it makes you smell bad
D :
As well as birds, some mammals can fly
Q. No. 71:This question consists of four groups of jumbled phrases, only ONE of which is grammatically correct. Identify the CORRECT option.
A :
matured, venture capital has undergone still another redefinition, returning / at least in part to its early roots in funding mature / now as the technology business has / businesses, in technology and in other segments as well
B :
energy and financial services / areas and has been a leading in information technology, media / the firm has invested across many industry / and communications, telecommunications, healthcare,
C :
in the area of new ventures that, I might one day return to help put / I left the Gaeltacht convinced that the way to / in place the very infrastructures needed to create a sustainable and thriving economy / save this island of Irish tradition is to work.
D :
the consequence of that - in part - is / companies with good people that are just farther along / that have gone public in the past that are still good, / that their are a lot of orphans out there among companies.
Q. No. 72:Identify the grammatically CORRECT option.
A :
Music – Classical Music, was one of her strong points.
B :
Besides art, she also loved Chamber music
C :
The romantic number, in spite of the rain, was still audible
D :
The room was empty except the music album
Spotting Errors