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Q. No. 79:1). Teacher preparation must ensure development of commitment amongst teachers.
2). With all the limitations and deficiencies inherent in our educational system has to be achieved only through combined effort of teachers and community.
3). It is tough proposition when most of the other sectors are influenced by self-interests and material pursuits everywhere.
4). A value based approach must form the backbone of educational system and also the teacher education system.
5). However, teacher education needs to emphasis that teachers alone can kindle the value-based growth.
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Q. No. 80:1). Broadly speaking, it denotes a physical handicap, which marks certain people as disabled from others whose facilities are considered normal.
2). The term 'disabled' occupies a ragged spectrum of space whose chinks and peripherals have to be graphed with.
3). Honest self-assessment or counselling can help individuals gain, a proper perspective to get over this disability, to savour and enhance the joy of life.
4). It is possible to trace a common disability trait in normal human beings, namely attitudinal maladjustment, which can wreak damage on their lives.
5). How many persons can claim to be outside this paradox of ""the able disabled" - a latent disability which when ignored, grows unacknowledged as a result, misunderstanding and tensions mar the quality of life?
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Q. No. 81:1). Disability reigns when individuals are convinced they are victims and allow themselves to be victimized, willingly or unwillingly.
2). The human ego makes one think that one is always right and the other person always at fault.
3). Racism, casteism and chauvinism take place when circumstances are overpowering and domination is allowed to prevail.
4).Such an attitude widens the rift in human relationships, whether at home the workspot or anywhere else.
5). That the human race has not run its course in fair terms is a fact.
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Q. No. 82:1). It was no cake walk as some princely states wanted to accede to India and some to Pakistan and some to form a parallel government of independent rulers.
2). The efforts of the Home minister, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who amalgamated 563 princely states into 26 administrative units, helped overcome this problem to a great extent.
3). India at the time of independence was beset with numerous hurdles, integration being the biggest.
4). The amalgamated of Hyderabad required force, the movement of armoured troops into this princely state.
5). The Nizam of Hyderabad formed a private organisation to fight the Indian army and its members came to known as Razakars.
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Q. No. 83:1). The economy’s performance in expenditure terms was even poorer, with real GDP contracting by 0.6% after a gain of 0.5% in the October-December quarter.
2). On an output basis – the government’s preferred measure because it is less volatile than expenditure – based GDP – the economy contracted by 0.3% in real terms from the previous quarter.
3). Date from Statistics New Zealand, a government agency, published on June 27th show an almost uniformly abysmal economic performance in January – March 2008.
4). This was the first contraction since late 2005, made worse by the fact that the previous quarter’s growth rate was revised down from 1% to 0.8%.
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Q. No. 84:1). Matti Meri, a teacher-trainer at Helsinki University, was a teacher at the time.
2). By the time comprehensives reached the more populous south, teachers were eager to join in what was clearly a roaring success.
3). “Grammar-school teachers were quite afraid of the reforms,” he recalls.
4). “They used to teach only one-third of the students. But the comprehensive schools used almost the same curriculum as the grammar schools had – and we discovered that the two – thirds were mostly able to cope with it.”
5). Comprehensive schools were introduced in 1972 in the sparsely populated north, and then over the next four years in the rest o the country.
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