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Q. No. 85:1). “It is a clear illustration of the major role played by diet and culture on your risk of chronic disorders,” he says.
2). Little is known about its effects, but changing its levels, possibly through diet or with different gut bacteria, might help to control high blood pressure.
3). Chinese and Japanese people are very similar at a genetic level, but Dr.Nicholson found big differences in the type and variety of metabolites in their blood and urine.
4). “Metabolomics can provide very specific pointers as to what is going wrong and new ways of intervening.”
5). For instance, he found an unexpected metabolic marker, called formate, that seems to have a role in regulating blood pressure.
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Q. No. 86:1). But she gained courage as she went on.
2). She was a little nervous about it just at first.
3). And opened their eyes and mouths so very wide.
4). The two creatures got so close to her,one on each side.
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None of these
Q. No. 87:1). It would perhaps be possible for him to be of some use to this brave girl
2). He said to himself, vaguely at first, that
3). Without neglecting anything of what was due to his his important mission.
4). And this idea pleased him.
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D :
None of the above
Q. No. 88:P). Women’s health status is basic to their advancement in all the fields of endeavour.
1) The fundamental issues concerning women and their health are nutrition,sanitation, overwork, etc.
2). They face high risk of malnutrition, retardation in growth and development, etc. at almost every stage of their lives.
3). The main reason of this decline in the sex ratio is high mortality rates among females in all age groups.
4). This has resulted in the fact that in India, there are fewer women than men.
Q). In girls, malnutrition, under nutrition and limited access to health care are seen as the main causes of mortality.
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Q. No. 89:P). One obvious explanation of the striking continuity and independence of the
Chinese civilization is the following.
1) It was also endowed with an even greater capacity to assimilate alien influence, probably because the tradition of civilization rested on different foundations in different countries.
2). Islamic rule made more difference to India than to any dynasty’s rise or fall in China.
3). China was remote, inaccessible to alien influence, far from sources of disturbance in other great civilizations.
4). In India, the great stabilizers were rested on the foundation of religion and a caste system inseparable from it.
Q. In China they rested on the culture of an administrative elite which survived dynasties and empires and kept China on the same course.
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Q. No. 90:P). The ethnographic composition and history of the Himalayan regions of Kumaon, Garwal and Himachal Pradesh form a fascinating field of study.
1). Besides, the indepth study of place names offers interesting insights.
2). ‘Himachal’ has been explained as ‘the land of snow’.
3). The author has endeavoured to trace the roots of the Himalayan culture and discuss the cultural components of the ancient inhabitants of that society.
4). More than a dozen communities which have played an important part in the formation of history and culture of this region are studied in the book called “The Ancient Communities of India”.
Q). Similarly, ‘Kumaon’ has been derived from the name of Kurmavana.
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