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Q. No. 91:P). The study of social change, in the view of the nebulous nature of its History is a difficult task.
1). This job becomes more difficult in the case of a society like India’s.
2). In this form, change ceases to be viewed as a normal social process.
3). This is because India has a fathomless historical depth and a plurality of traditions, but it is also engulfed in a movement of nationalistic aspirations under which concepts of change and modernization have ideological meanings.
4). Instead, change becomes desirable in itself, and must be sought for.
Q). This phenomenon of change is treated by some social scientists as equivalent to ‘development’ and ‘progress’.
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Q. No. 92:P). The system of the composition of the Legislative Council of a State as laid down in the Constitution is not final.
1). But until the Parliament legislates on the matter, the composition be as given in the Constitution, which is as follows.
2). The final power of providing the composition of this chamber of the state Legislature is given to the Union Parliament.
3). The Council will be a partly elected and partly nominated body.
4). The election of the members will be an indirect one and in accordance with the principle of proportional representation by a single transferable vote.
Q). The members being drawn from various sources, the Council shall have a variegated composition.
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Q. No. 93:P). Green Revolution refers to a significant improvement in agricultural production in a short period and the sustenance of higher level of agricultural production over a fairly long period of time.
1). This new strategy envisaged raising farm output through the use of High -Yielding Varieties (HYV) pr seeds, chemical fertilizers, implements and machinery, etc.
2). It was sponsored by the Ford Foundation which was invited by the Government of India to suggest means to increase agricultural production.
3). The necessity for such increase arose due to the continued stagnation of production and the rapidly increasing demands.
4). This type of green revolution has occurred in India as a result of adopting the ‘new agricultural strategy’ in 1964-65.
Q). As one of the results, the increase in the demand for some cereals has been met with to some extent.
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Q. No. 94:P). Economists differ over the causes that lead to inflationary rise in prices.
1). Cost-Push inflation is caused by wage -push and profit -push to prices.
2). There are the quantity theorists or monetarists who attribute inflation to demand pull or excess demand.
3). Other economists ascribe inflation to cost-push factors.
4). According to them, inflation is the result of excessive increase in money supply in the face of an elastic supply of goods and services.
Q). The basic cause of wage-push inflation is the rise in money wages more rapidly than the productivity of labour.
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Q. No. 95:P). The first of the recent spate of conventions aiming to govern global industrial activity is the one to protect the ozone layer.
1). India signed the Montreal Protocol on 17 September 1992.
2). But China has, till recently, not signed the treaty, calling its provisions unfair and discriminatory.
3). The convention, known as the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, 1985, was followed by the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.
4). It was signed in 1987 by the United States, the European Community and 22 other countries, including India.
Q). Such an act came unexpectedly from China which is one of the most rapidly developing countries.
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Q. No. 96:1). By releasing an ultraviolet photon, the atom falls back to the original energy level.
2). From this high energy level, the atom will almost always release an electron, whereby the energy of the ultraviolet photon is dissipated.
3). In the absence of green light, when a strontium atom absorbs a photon of ultraviolet radiations, its energy increases by a discrete amount.
4). But, ever so often, the high -energy atom will emit a photon of other ultraviolet or green light.
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