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English Language | Spotting Errors

Q. No. 97:In the following question there are sentences that forms a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar  and usage.
1). To ensure food security we have to ensure adequate supply as well as intake.
2). Intake by individuals depends on many factors, most important on purchasing power
3). and availability of quality food at affordable prices.
4). India will have to aim at self sufficiency in cereals, while not ruling out occasional imports.
5). Reliance on international trade for basic food requirements, not only entails economic dependence but also cost our political sovereignty.
A :
1,3 and 4
B :
1,2 and 3
C :
1,4 and 5
D :
1,2 and 5
Q. No. 98:In the following question there are sentences that forms a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar  and usage.
1). The search for the perfect diet has never been more frenzied.
2). But beyond the hype and billions spent on weight-loss products,
3). a revolutionary idea is catching on with researchers.
4). It is the notion that no two individuals lose weight the same way.
5). Each person holds a hidden key for weight loss.
A :
1,2 and 3
B :
1 and 2
C :
2,3 and 5
D :
1,3 and 4
Q. No. 99:In the following question there are sentences that forms a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar  and usage.
1). Arctic winters are no longer what they used to be.
2). Extensive studies of more than 300 scientists from across the world have found that, in the age of global warming,
3). the Arctic region is warming up 10 times faster than the rest of the earth.
4). This could mean that in 20 years the North Pole may have no ice during summer.
5). And, of course, the polar bear may not be an intrinsic part of the Arctic habitat.
A :
3 and 4
B :
1,3 and 4
C :
1,3,4 and 5
D :
1,2,3 and 5
Q. No. 100:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). Genetic tests, once obscure tools for scientists, has begin to influence everyday lives in many ways.
2). The tests are reshaping peoples' senses of themselves - where they came from, why they behave as they do, what disease might be coming their way.
3). many scientists criticise the ethnic ancestry tests as promising more than they can deliver.
4). The legacy of an ancestor several generations back may be too diluted for showing up.
A :
1 and 2
B :
3 and 4
C :
1 and 3
D :
Only 3
Q. No. 101:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). Film stars rising to the status of cult figures has been a phenomenon witnessed in most of the southern states.
2). If Rajkumar, who passed recently, was from the same mould, he stood apart in one respect.
3). He scrupulously avoided any involvement in politics, and proximity with any political figure, although political parties avidly courted him.
4). Yet he did not fail to identify himself with popular causes worth fighting.
A :
Only 1
B :
1 and 2
C :
2 and 3
D :
3 and 4
Q. No. 102:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). Through my door has just dropped a book called 'Steel Wheels' by Andry Garmett.
2). It is rambling and woefully under-illustrated.
3). It also qualifies for my list of crimes still meriting capital punishment by lacking an index.
4). But no matter, this is the most splendid evocation of one man's total absorption in his hobby : 260 pages of sustained , uninhibited enthusiasm for the stream trains.
A :
Only 2
B :
1 and 2
C :
3 and 4
D :
1 and 3
Spotting Errors