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English Language | Spotting Errors

Q. No. 103:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). On a visit to Myanmar we tried to get a glimpse of Aung San Suu Kyi, the Noble Peace Prize winner, put away from the public eye by the ruling military junta for 10 out of the last 16 years.
2). That was impossible desire.
3). According to scraps of information gathered from the streets. Ms. Suu Kyi has just an Indian origin woman as cook for company beside weekly visits by the doctor.
4). The phone has been denied to her and some say she has been permitted to watch the country's two TV channels, both run by the military junta.
A :
2 and 3
B :
1,2 and 3
C :
1 and 4
D :
1,3 and 4
Q. No. 104:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). Aesop's most famous fable is a shepherd boy who cries 'wolf'.
2). He cried wolf often when no wolf was around that when one did appear nobody took any notice of his warning.
3). Some environmentalists risk falling into the same trap.
4). They are so convinced in the righteousness of their cause that they will cry 'wolf' as any event that might plausibly be thought to support their view of the world.
A :
1 and 2
B :
1,2 and 4
C :
only 3
D :
3 and 4
Q. No. 105:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). Investors from abroad apprising India's financial industries can probably agree on two things.
2). First, that the potential for making money in this vast country, with its fast-growing economy and burgeoning middle class are enormous.
3). Second, that India's lingering bureaucratic and protectionist traditions place still frustratingly tight and complicated limits on foreign ownership.
4). Bit by bit, though, the door is opening.
A :
1 and 4
B :
2 and 4
C :
Only 4
D :
3 and 4
Q. No. 106:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). It's better to be fat and fit than thin and sedentary for overall health and well being.
2). Krocker, 48, could be the poster girl to such emerging research.
3). She is teaching aerobics for more than nine years.
4). "My appearance does not fit most people's idea of what an aerobic instructor looks", she says.
A :
Only 1
B :
1 and 2
C :
1,2 and 3
D :
3 and 4
Q. No. 107:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). My experience as a househusband helped me unlock one of the world's greatest secrets.
2). Women are good looking after children because they have been doing it always.
3). It's not because of any innate female aptitude or a mother's instinct.
4). It's because they put in time and attention to become good at the job.
A :
1 and 2
B :
2 and 3
C :
2 and 4
D :
1 and 3
Q. No. 108:The question given below consists of four sentences on a topic. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
1). The bright lights of the city makes it impossible to see all the stars in a night sky.
2). Those lights might also be making us sick.
3). For the time, light is investigated as a human health hazard.
4). For many wildlife species light pollution seems to be as grave an environmental threat as bull dozed habitats or toxic chemical dumping.
A :
1 and 2
B :
2 and 4
C :
1,3 and 4
D :
3 and 4
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Spotting Errors