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Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency | Data Sufficiency

Q. No. 7:Shaving is smoother if you first apply some soap with warm water.
Statements :
I. Brushing the soap to make lather increase the time it takes to shave.
II. While shaving, the skin is cleaned at the same time.
A :
If statement I alone is needed to draw the conclusion.
B :
If statement II alone is needed to draw the conclusion.
C :
If both the statements I and  II are needed to draw the conclusion.
D :
If the given data is not sufficient to draw the conclusion.
Q. No. 8:The number 1348 does not belong to a given arithmetic series.
Statements :
I. The difference between the successive terms is 11.
II. The series starts with the number 9.
A :
If statement I alone is needed to draw the conclusion.
B :
If statement II alone is needed to draw the conclusion.
C :
If both the statements I and  II are needed to draw the conclusion.
D :
If the given data is not sufficient to draw the conclusion.
Q. No. 9:Sometimes a single observation makes us recall innumerable events which have occurred  in the past.
Statements :
I. Man has the gift of memory.
II. Man is basically a dreamer.
A :
If statement I alone is needed to draw the conclusion
B :
If statement II alone is needed to draw the conclusion
C :
If both the statements I and II are needed to draw the conclusion
D :
If both the statements I and II are not sufficient to draw the conclusion.
Q. No. 10:He looks dangerous.
Statements :
I. He has a lean and hungry look.
II. He thinks too much.
A :
If statement I alone is needed to draw the conclusion
B :
If statement II alone is needed to draw the conclusion
C :
If both the statements I and II are needed to draw the conclusion
D :
If both the statements I and II are not sufficient to draw the conclusion.
Q. No. 11:How long will it take to travel from A to B ? It takes 4 hours to travel from A to B and back to A.
Statements :
I. It takes 25% more time to travel from A to B than it does to travel from B to A.
II. C is midway between A and B and it takes 2 hours to travel from A to C and back to A.
A :
If you can get the answer to the given question from the statement I alone but not from II alone.
B :
If you can get the answer to the given question from the statement II alone but not from I alone.
C :
If both I and II are required to answer the given question
D :
If more data is needed.
Q. No. 12:A large corporation has 7000 employees. What is the average yearly wage of an employee in the corporation ?
Statements :
I. 4,000 of the employees are executives.
II. The total wage bill of the company each year is Rs 77,000,000.
A :
If you can get the answer to the given question from the statement I alone but not from II alone.
B :
If you can get the answer to the given question from the statement II alone but not from I alone.
C :
If both I and II are required to answer the given question
D :
If more data is needed.
Data Sufficiency