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English Language | Deriving Conclusion From Passage

Q. No. 25:During the past 20 years, the audience for public radio has increased by 500%, and currently, there are nearly 30 million weekly public radio listeners. While many of us rely on public radio for unbiased and in-depth news, diverse music, and cultural programming, there are still millions of people nationwide who have limited access to public radio programs. Thus, with additional public radio stations and program options, more people could connect to their communities and world through the voices of public radio.

Which of the following is true?
A :
The point above contradicts the speaker’s argument.
B :
The point above extends the speaker’s argument.
C :
The point above is similar to the speaker’s argument.
D :
The point above concludes the speaker’s argument.
Q. No. 26:Peace of mind and heart does not mean acceptance of everything that happens. It does mean letting go of fear. When you live life fearlessly, you experience a kind of peace that permeates every cell of your body, every thought of your mind, every emotion of your heart, every element of your spirit.

Which of the following, if true, would weaken the speaker’s argument the most?
A :
Without effectively connecting to other humans, you become less than human yourself.
B :
In order to evolve into a state of acceptance, you must develop to value life in all its forms.
C :
Fear helps us to be careful and avoid danger in life.
D :
Life is in a constant state of flux, of change, of rhythm and of evolution
Q. No. 27:The most common type of boss isn’t a villain. This person falls in the Respectable Professional category for 29 percent of employees. Employees view them with respect and believe them to be honest and reliable. However, Respectable Professionals are task-driven and conduct business operations efficiently, only displaying flexibility when required. These bosses tend to maintain a professional distance and fail to make the company a fun place to work.

Which of the following best summarizes the above paragraph?
A :
Tough, controlling and ruthless, the Taskmasters aren’t seen as ethical, honest or intelligent.
B :
Seen as tough, controlling and task driven, the Taskmaster is not cheerful or peaceful, but focused on achieving goals.
C :
The Taskmaster rates higher on both ethics and competence, but doesn’t engender much employee loyalty.
D :
Caring Mentors are highly relational and greatly appreciated by their direct reportees.
Q. No. 28:In these times of fiscal correctness, it is heresy to call for expansionary fiscal policy to revive the economy. However sound economics underpins such a prescription even if it sounds like the wild cry of a slump struck corporate bothered only about its own bottomline.

Which if true would lend support to the author’s view on fiscal policy?
A :
In the past, most governments have adopted a conservative attitude in the face of an economic slump.
B :
Expansionary fiscal policy would be welcomed by business houses that have been overwhelmed by the slump.
C :
Expansionary fiscal policy leading to more expenditure would encourage production in a depressed economy
D :
Fiscal policies are often used as tools to provoke a reaction in the market.
Q. No. 29:Easy import of goods and services spurred by free trade policies introduce goods of various types and quality into the domestic economy. The consumer instead of the government gets the right to choose or reject a foreign product. By treating imports and domestic goods at the same level, the government encourages competition which is essential to improve productivity and lower costs, both are in turn essential to improve the plight of the poor.

Which of the following if true would strengthen the case for free trade?
A :
Consumers are likely to opt for imported products as they are of superior quality.
B :
Domestic producers, who enjoy lower costs of production have an edge over the producers of imported products in terms of price.
C :
Domestic producers have easy access to technical knowledge and face lower costs of production
D :
Consumers are unlikely to increase their level of expenditure because of the introduction of a wide variety of imported goods.
Q. No. 30:The TV entertainment industry is evolving and with it its attitudes towards research. The industry is moving away from its chaotic roots in the direction of increased professionalization. TV software companies that once consisted of no more than scripts, studios and salesmanship are now proper corporate entities with access to formal sources of funding. Instead of entrepreneurs leading by instinct, you’re getting professional with MBA degrees and experience in established companies.

Which of the assumptions would weaken the claims of increased professionalism in the Television industry?
A :
The artists working on TV shows are paid on a contractual basis and are not regarded as employees.
B :
Banks and financial institutions are wary of lending money to TV producers as the producers are unable to furnish necessary documents.
C :
Many management graduates who have opted for a career in television are satisfied with their jobs.
D :
Quite a few television producers see the industry as an avenue for making quick money.
Deriving Conclusion From Passage