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English Language | Spotting Errors

Q. No. 31:Identify the correct sentence:-
A). It has been well said that the highest aim of education is analogous to the highest aim in mathematics, namely, to obtain not only results but also powers, not particular solutions but the means by which endless solutions may be wrought.
B). It has been well said that the highest aim of education is analogous to the highest aim of mathematics, namely, to obtain not results but  powers, not particular solutions but means by which endless solutions may be wrought.
C). It has been well said that the highest aim of education is analogous to the highest aim in mathematics, namely to obtain not only results but also powers, not particular solutions but means by which endless solutions may be wrought.
D). It has been well said that the highest aim in education is analogous to the highest aim in mathematics, namely, to obtain not results but  powers, not particular solutions but the means by which endless solutions may be wrought.
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 32:Identify the correct sentence:-
A). The talent of I.T companies to identify new area of business opportunities early enough is well known as their skill to coin new terms.
B). The talent of I.T companies to identify the newest areas of business opportunities early enough is as well known as their skill to coin new terms.
C). The talent of I.T companies to identify newer areas of business opportunities early enough is as well known as their skill to coin new terms.
D). The talent of I.T companies to identify the newer area of business opportunities early enough is well known as their skill to coin new terms.
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 33:Identify the correct sentence:-
A). By casteism, groupism and sycophancy stirring the boiling cauldron of star egos, there is the ticking time bomb called star rage that could explode without provocation.
B). With casteism, groupism and sycophancy stirring the boiling cauldron of star egos, there is the ticking time bomb called star rage that could explode without provocation.
C). By casteism, groupism and sycophancy stirring the boiling cauldron of star egos, there is the ticking time bomb called star rage that had exploded without provocation.
D). With casteism, groupism and sycophancy stirring the boiling cauldron of star egos, their's is the ticking time bomb called star rage that had exploded without provocation.
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 34:Identify the correct sentence:-
A). Children are moulded on not only what they are fed physically but also mentally and emotionally, as such a healthy balanced diet of wholesome entertainment is the need of the hour.
B). Children are moulded on not only what they are fed physically but also mentally and emotionally, as such a healthy balanced diet of wholesome entertainment is the hour's need.
C). Children are moulded on what they are fed not just physically but also mentally and emotionally, as such a healthy balanced diet of wholesome entertainment is the hour's need.
D). Children are moulded on what they are fed not just physically but also mentally and emotionally, as such a healthy balanced diet of wholesome entertainment is the need of the hour.
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 35:Identify the correct sentence/sentences:-
Washington currently reverberate in voices crying(1)/for drastic reduction and even wholesale dismemberment of America's spy agencies(2)/But as with defense spending generally(3)/most of the demands for crash cuts reflect short range political pressures(4)/rather than any grand global strategy or reconceptualization of intelligence as such(5)
A :
3 and 5
B :
2 and 4
C :
only 4
D :
4 and 5
Q. No. 36:Identify the correct sentence/sentences:-
To say that art is not identical to the concept of beauty(1)/and requires for its realization(2)/the concept of the ugly as its negation is a platitude.(3)/Yet this does not amount to the annulment if the category of the ugly(4)/as a cannon of prohibitions(5)
A :
1 and 3
B :
2 and 4
C :
1 and 5
D :
3 and 4
Spotting Errors