The following series RLC circuit with zero initial conditions is excited by a unit impulse function δ(t).
[1] For t > 0, the output voltage Vc(t) is [2 marks]
[2] For t > 0, the voltage across the resistor is [2 marks]
asked in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2008
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A speech signal, band limited to 4kHz and peak voltage varying between +5V and -5V is sampled at the Nyquist rate. Each sample is quantized and represented by 8 bits.
[1] If the bits 0 and 1 are transmitted using bipolar pulses, the minimum bandwidth required for distortion free transmission is [2 marks]
(A) 64kHz
(B) 32kHz
(C) 8kHz
(D) 4kHz[2] Assuming the signal to be uniformly distributed between its peak values, the signal to noise ratio at the quantizer output is [2 marks]
(A) 16dB
(B) 32dB
(C) 48dB
(D) 64dB[3] The number of quantitization levels required to reduce the quantization noise by a factor of 4 would be [2 marks]
(A) 1024
(B) 512
(C) 256
(D) 64asked in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2008
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