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Each of these questions has a set of 3 or 4 sentences to logically convey an idea. The possible filler(s) in the middle is/are given separately as A and B. Mark the answer as:
(1) if A and B are to be filled in that order.
(2) if only A is to be filled.
(3) if B and A are to be filled in that order.
(4) if only B is to be filled.[1] As far as aircraft maintenance procedures are concerned, they are rigorous. (________). Such cases may end-up in disastrous results, though exceptionally.
A. All problems are immediately corrected on almost every occasion.
B. Only due to urgency or want of aircraft for substitution, certain ones are overlooked.[2] Auto-riding is a very fascinating hobby. (______). It is obvious that they consider the hobby more important than anything else.
A. Low or even middle income group people cannot afford it.
B. I know many people who had missed many important cases or opportunities for participation in auto-riding.[3] There is no doubt that we must be fair and honest in all our dealings. (______). What you really are is less important than what you are perceived by people around you.
A. It means that perception assumes greater importance than reality.
B. But even more important is how you are perceived by others.[4] The admiration for those who fight against corruption in high places has always been very spontaneous amongst the common people in India. (_____). They unhesitantly appreciate such acts but are afraid of openly doing so for fear of the higher ups.
A. They hold such people in high esteem who make sacrifices on principles and moral issues.
B. They make verbose speeches of admiration and appreciation of such acts.asked in MAT
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In each of these questions four words are given marked A, B, C and D. Two of these words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Identify those two words.
[1] A. enthralling
B. respecting
C. projecting
D. alluring
(1) A-B
(2) C-D
(3) B-C
(4) A-D[2] A. swoop
B. perturb
C. plump
D. boil
(1) A-D
(2) A-C
(3) B-C
(4) B-D
[3] A. fallacy
B. adage
C. dictum
D. endorse
(1) B-D
(2) B-C
(3) C-D
(4) A-D[4] A. elevate
B. frugal
C. exult
D. lament
(1) C-D
(2) B-C
(3) A-B
(4) B-Dasked in MAT
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