CpjJwWHV's Interview
596 unique views

Package: Confidential
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Leaders are born or made?
Time Given : 15 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
The Discussion started with 11 students and was very organised.Initially all the 11 gave their views about the topic
and then the discussion continued with various examples.My view about the topic was that leaders are absolutely
made.Leader is the one who takes responsibilities with commitment to excel in a particular goal.It is always
important to excel than to be successful.Success Follows when one excels.The topic was discussed in a very
structured way and came to an end with conclusion point by every team member.

Technical Interview

There was only one interview which included
Personal Details
Subject Related i.e HRM. Labor Laws, Organisational Behaviour
A small case was put forth

HR Interview

they asked me to tell about myself and my hobbies.
they check your way of communication in this particular section.
being cool with confident face would be a serious help


Try to have the group discussion very organised and be proactive..
Be prepared for any question.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The overall experience was very exciting.
The jury were simply superb.Though they were the big giants of the company they made us feel very comfortable.
We were not in pressure in our interview. If any one among the jury asked us anything very tough and tricky the
others defended saying such questions should not be asked. So i personally felt very comfortable, exciting.

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