CpjJwWHV's Interview
816 unique views

Package: Confidential
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : how young engineers make india vibrant
Time Given : 15 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
in the GD, i talked about the innovations of young engineers. they expected us to link the technology with
agriculture sector and also enlightening villages with technology. this process is not meant to shortlist candidates
but to check the communication skills. all the attended people got shortlisted for interviews.

Technical Interview

they asked me about power plant engineering because i mentioned that i have done training in a power plant.
they asked me about rankine cycle and its working in detail
and also about flue gases, ash handling and ESP.
my interview lasted only 10 minutes. they were checking my basics and they didnt went deep into the subject.

HR Interview

they asked me to tell about myself and my hobbies.
they check your way of communication in this particular section.
being cool with confident face would be a serious help


my suggestion is be strong with basics in your field of interest.
in terms of pay, this is the highest paying PSU.
do not loose an oppurtunity like this.
girls have a slight chance to get into this company.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

this company is going to be a nava ratna company soon. the ppt is the highlight of all the companies i have ever
their selection process is simple and quick. i liked the experience very much.

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