CpjJwWHV's Interview
704 unique views

Company: ORICA
Package: 6.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

GPA criteria

shortlisting on the basis of gpa (6.8) 28 applicants...

Technical Interview

questions regarding project like how a brake system works difference b/w brakes and clutcheshybrid car etc..

HR Interview

introduction questions were asked regarding baja and srijan
why do u want to join orica
what are your goals
why not mba
how long will u work with us
would u like to work in field or in a office
a topic was given and u were asked to give points in for and against...


just be confident and be yourself as the country manager is good enough to draw ur details in a span of 10 minutes
u may be asked to first support a topic and then change opinions on a very simple topic (in my case it was 3 idiots)

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

shortlisting on the basis of gpa (6.8) 28 applicants
group discussion 14 shortlisted
personal interview 6 shortlisted
personal interview and gd(with country manager in kolkata) finally three selected
rank 7th ..
communication skills
relatively good grades
and things like baja and srijan organizing

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