CpjJwWHV's Interview
2154 unique views

Company: TCS
Package: 3.15 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

online written test pattern....

GPA criteria

Shortlisting by resume(GPA 6.00),2Drop allowed after 12th..

Technical Interview

Came to technical:He was also a mechanical Engg. asked me core technical qestions
a.Your favourite subject
Ans. Fluid Mechanics
b.Ever heard about Pelto Turbine?
Ans.Its an Impulse turbine
c.Very good.Name the other types too?
Ans.Impulse and reaction
d.Draw the inlet and outlet velocity triangles of the waterjet impinging on a turbine blade.
Ans.Drew(was impressed)
d.Have you studied MOS(Mechancs of Solids).Write the general moment wuation
e.Studied CAD?Define UCS?
Ans.Universal Coordinate System...told
f.Asked about programming in C.
Ans.Was not able to answer
HR Question:In the starting he asked me to tell me about myself.

Finally he said "See you in TCS" and asked me to go

HR Interview

1.Hobby:Asked about the hobby.Told Classical music.By suprise he also told me he is also a classical singer.Asked me about Raag Bhairw...told him


Have a overview of ur basics.
All the 3 people in mechanical were asked about their core and the same went with electrical too,be confident and brush up your programming knowledge.

Best of luck

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

1.Shortlisting by resume(GPA 6.00),2Drop allowed after 12th
2.Online Written Test
Good Technical Knowledge,Confidence

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