CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Coal India Limited(CIL)
Package: 5.7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

global warming--its cause and effects..

Technical Interview

technical questions involve detail study of dsp,electrical machines, power system, power electronics, control systems, measurements etc.

HR Interview

In the interview panel, there were 4 members enquiring of different technical & HR questions.
1. they asked to tell sth about myself.
2.what is the rreason behind the choice of CIL
3 why not other PSUs like NTPC,ONGC etc
4.why not persuing higher education by GRE or CAT etc


1. One should have good vocabulary& communicaton skill
2.One must study the course in detail.quetion may be asked from anywhere in or outside but related to syllabus.
3.one should have good gpa ..

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

selection process--
1.filling up the application form as given in the prescribed format
2.extempore on a perticular topic
3.technical interview & HR
total no of applicants--33
total no of applicants selected for the interview--16
total selected-13
no rank was mentioned during the selection process. ..
good gpa is the important factor for being selected in the interview. answer must be given confidently & in brief.topic of extempore:

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