CpjJwWHV's Interview
920 unique views

Company: TRIAD Software
Package: Confidential
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 60 Minutes..
The whole test is for 60 min.All the questions are in one paper only.There is no sectional timing.The questions were
good.They concentrated on reasoning.Questions are on probability,heights and distances,percentages,time and
distance,time and work etc.

Technical Interview

There were two persons.One concentrated on C and the other on Coordinate geometry.In C they asked on
structures,Unions,application of union,pointers,loops etc.Based on our answering they ask the questions.In coordinate
geometry they asked abt line equation and intercepts concepts.One question was like two circles are some distance apart
and to find the distance between two circles.They asked some questions on tangents.They asked abt the tools available in
PRO-E.some questions on conics.Altogether the interview was for 40 min.

HR Interview

First HR interview was conducted and then technical.It was very cool.They asked usual questions like tell abt
urself,hobbies,abt my family etc.And they asked abt the bond whether i am comfortable or not.And they asked my opinion
on nuclear deal with US,etc.They asked whether there any queries from my side.The whole process took abt 30 min.


It is a company to start with,especially for a mechanical student.As it is a CAD related sofware development company we
can learn a lot in technical aspects.Only thing is that there is a bond for three years.If it is not a problem it is a very good
company to step in.All the best.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The questions in written and technical interview were good.Those people were very cool.They helped me in answering the
questions in the interview.Among the comapnies i have attended this is the only company in which questions on techinical
aspects like CAD were asked.Only three have been selected and i was one among them.After selections,they asked us to
prepare C,C++ concepts.

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