CpjJwWHV's Interview
933 unique views

Package: 3.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Selection process for ACB (India) was through personal interview.

HR Interview

First most question was to tell something about myself,
which took them from basic HR to somewhat technical, so my whole interview was technical based..so i satisfied them wholly.
In the end , they inquired whether i will remain in the company or not, and i am satisfied what the company is offering.


to my juniors ,i would suggest to have a decent GPA...above 7.5.
they should be confident and strong in their academics and should have fluency in their speech.
For GD...they should be well aware of the current topics...in the session they shouldn't hesitate...n should come up...with good points and should not act dumb in their GD,s.
In last what matter in the whole process is their Confidence, Positive attitude, and your whole effort to make the interviewer believe that you will remain in the comapny...n you are valuable for the company.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Selection process for ACB (India) was through personal interview.
5 candidates applied and 4 of them got selected.
I was ranked 2nd among the selected candidates.
the thing that worked for my selection was good project work , my positive attitude, confidence, past achievements.

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