CpjJwWHV's Interview
689 unique views

Company: XTVISTA
Package: 2.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

in technical round we had to show our projects and to run them on systems.they wanted to see that how depth knowledge have you about your project.
they generally asked questions from our projects and we had to run also in front of us.my project was on mailing system and website hosting on Linux(red-hat) platform...
and a lot of questions related to servers, operating systems and to show it practically.questions were like
tell about mail server,ftp server, web server?
how mailing system works?
configuration file of servers?
what is kernel?

HR Interview

hr questions were simple like
why do u want to join us?
can u work in high pressure?
for technical it was in a group who had done project with me.we spent 5-6 hours as we had to show it practically. hr interview was just of 10 minutes.


confidence is the key
second is the depth knowledge specially projects done by you.
and communication skill.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

had to show and run our projects done by us.and they asked questions from that..and then hr interview.
around 150 students applied .15 got selected for hr interview and finally 4 were selected and i was one of them.
obviously good project..i had done my project very seriously and i had given each and every question they asked from that and confidence also..
and lastly luck that is the most important for it companies.

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