CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Wipro
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

written exam ,essay writting ,technical and personal questioins .

GPA criteria

it was looking for students of 4 branches telecom ,cse ,ise and electronics with 70 % in all 10,12 ,graduation.

Technical Interview

i don't remember the exact ques but most of the ques were relted to networking and from data base management system,he asked few questions from micro processor like its functions and 8085 chip functions.

HR Interview

personal ques as ususl they asked me about myself,why u want to join this company,hav u sat for any other company also ,how many offer letters presently u have .


for this company the main problem was writen and gd once thiese parts are cleared u get confidence and once u r confident then technical and hr becomes very easy.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

it was a pull in which 3 colleges had participated so i dont remember the exact scnerio but from my college 78 took the written test and 5 got selected.

good technical knowledge and good communication skill

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