for this company there were three rounds written test ,technical and personal interview. |
criteria for this company was 60 % throughout and 2 year gap not more than that.you have to give the reason for this gap. |
why core 2 duo processor is more efficient than Pentium and other processors? |
first he asked me tell me about yourself and then looking at my cv asked me the reason of gap.i was knowing that this ques will definitely be asked by hr so i have prepared well to answer that question.where have you done your project and how many members were there in your project group? |
as there is technical round in this company so for clearing this round u should practice yeswant kanetkar book .and balguruswamy book for c++.this will help in answering almost all the questions asked by hr in technical section. |
215 students totally were eligible for this company and 77 students finally cleared all the rounds. |
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