CpjJwWHV's Interview
921 unique views

Company: TCS
Package: 3.15 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 20 Minutes
Quantitative : 20 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 30 Minutes
Verbal English : 20 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
1 .. VERBAL SECTION .... 1. antonyms & synonyms of 10 questions. 2. comprehensive passages .. some are from the
GRE BARONS BOOK 2. APTITUDE SECTION .... 80 - 90% of the questions are from the last 5 years papers ...( mix up
of all questions go for previous papers) 3. ANALYTICAL REASONING .... i got all ( three ) passages from the barons
book ... for this section prepare the passages in barons ... its sufficient.... 3 passages, each passage has 4 questions ....time is
for 30 minutes...

Technical Interview

after shortlisted for interview ... they given a form ... in that some interested subjects option is there ... in that i placed my
interesting subjects .... the questions they asked are... 1. first they asked about academic details... 2. They asked questions
on digital electronics like what is the difference between multiplexer &decoder?,what are universal gates?realization of
gates using nand gates?using halfadder NOT gate implementaion? 3. they asked some questions on network analysis like
nodal analysis,mesh analysis 4. what is microprocessor... difference between microprocessor and microcontroller .... about
pipelining.. about 8086 ....memory segmentaion in8086 ....bobble sorting program in 8086 processor 5. what is enum
6.what are storge class specifiers &modifiers?7.inline function in C++ ?8. write a program which converts decimal to
binary ...be careful with syntax... u write all the program 9.defintion of linker ,debugger&preprocessor

HR Interview

he asked1. what u will do in the free time...... 2.what u will do after getting the job 3. what things u improve after joining in
the company 3.tell me about yourself?why TCS?what are your shot term and long term goals?what are your strengths and
weeknesses?why software?


FOR TCS aspirants.... written: for quant section ... prepare from the previous papers verbal section ...... prepare from the
previous papers & barons analytical reasoning ... only prepare barons thats enough ... if u have time go for extra interview:
well prepare C & DS.... prepare some well known c programs they ask about two or three subjects ... lightly HR: its simple

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

for tcs .... i collected all previous papers... and i studied some part in barons...

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