CpjJwWHV's Interview
1667 unique views

Company: TCS
Package: 3.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Pattern of Written Test:
1. Online Test with qs mainly on aptitude and verbal.

GPA criteria

GPA criteria for online test: OGPA 6.0 with only 1 yr drop.

Technical Interview

1. What is VLSI Design
2. Power Dissipation ... how to lower its value
3. Exposure to languages like C, MATLAB, LabView, PSpice
4. Summer And B.Tech Project
5. Just give 1 good reason why do you want to join an IT firm if you are so much interested in Electronics and its related research.
6. Qs on designing an algorithm using flowcharts(simple)

HR Interview

1. Tell me something about yourself
2. Why do you want to join TCS
3. Rate your leadership qualitiy skill on a scale of 10 and give reasons
4. Tell me something about your academic achievements and your class rank
5. Favorite subjects
6. When in the TCS, then your aspirations and career growth from your point of view
7. Previous companies you attempted..
8. Nice Meeting and finally got the offer


1. Read Barron's GRE book 12th edition model test papers for some of the qs on verbal and critical reasoning
2. Quantitative aptitude can be easily solved, no need to practice too much
3. Attempt all the qs since there is no negative marking
4. In interview show your confidence and coolness because that matters the most. A little bit of technical qs from electronics if you are from this field or from algorithm and programming. That you can crack if you have basic knowledge
5. Emphasis more on your summer and btech project and the type of work that you have been associated with academic and non-academic.
6. Try speaking fluently, and for longer durations. Just a one line answer may back-fire.
7. Dont tell your aim of doing MBA. M.Tech is OK as TCS sponser candidates for this. So ask the interviewer about the possible opportunities when you are in TCS. He will be impressed by this.
All the Best!!

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Applied : 15
Selected :10

GPA criteria for online test: OGPA 6.0 with only 1 yr drop

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