CpjJwWHV's Interview
1133 unique views

Package: 4.63 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Was given a group task to discuss whether a fertilizer company should reduce, maintain or increase the amount of money spent on R&D of new products as recession is comings.
Give valid points, be confident and never lose focus from the topic.

Technical Interview

Was asked about Networking(MAC layer and Network Layer of OSI Model) and DBMS(foreign key concept and rdbms)...was asked about projects done...just explain the,...they asked questions from it.

HR Interview

Why Deloitte and not any other company...tested my patience and relevance by asking me the same question again and again


Be confident....brush up your project knowledge...and little bit of subjects you like. They come to take you not to reject you. :)

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

120 sat for 1st round ...then 57 were chosen from them for gd round...then 19 for interview and then after taking both of them....5 got selected.
Good Project Knowledge..confidence...comm.skills....a nd answer most of their technical questions..tell them if you don't know the answer.

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