CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Amdocs
Package: 4.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude: Time and work, Distances, profit and loss, series problems,permutations and combinations, probability, venn
diagrams,compound interest, percentages. Reasoning: series problems, to chooose which two are similar in the given
pattern....this type of four questions I) i) 123456.876543 ii)123456.876943 iii) 123456.876543 (a)i & ii (b) i & iii (c) ii &
iii (d)all are similar if * is changed to +, +is changed to - ,- is changed to / , /changed to* what is the value of ..... 1)
3*4+5/2-7.... 4 questions of this type 3) if 4 represent as $** and 3 represent as *$$ based on it there were 4
questions....like i) what is the value of $$$** + $**$* Technical: They asked us to select one programming
language(C,C++ or JAVA) for one section. I have selected C language. Then Unix and SQL papers are compulsory to all.
There is sectional cutoff. Comprehension: They gave a passage on Cookies in web programming. this is the test on
understanding capacity. they will give 10 min to read that passage after which we need to return it and then answer the

Technical Interview

1) tell me abt yourself 2) they asked me about my project. 3) my approach to the project. 4) asked whether my proj is real
time project or not. 5) questions from C language . 6) questions from sql 7) ques from Unix IN unix he asked me to say the
commands and from that he has asked questions. Whatever answer i gave him to his question, he further posed me
questions from my answer. He asked me Why i would like to get into amdocs and also if i knew anything about the
company. then they asked me to wait for HR round.

HR Interview

Instead of general Hr round we(5 students) were asked to debate on the topic NUCLEAR DEAL. 2 of us have to support
and 3 of us have to oppose and i was asked to oppose the deal. after that he asked us to wait for the result.


All the Best try hard and face the interview with confidence.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Time management is very vital and so u need to manage your time and answer the maximum no.of questions correctly
inorder to score more marks. there is sectional cutoff. Good comunication skill plays important role for interveiw along
with technical knowledge. Good knowledge of UNix and sql will be fetching. In C they will ask questions on internal
execution also.

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