CpjJwWHV's Interview
1895 unique views

Package: Confidential
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

mostly from strength of materials and questions wer more of logical and involved lateral thinking like which cross section
will rupture first.. total of 35 questions.. and objective type.

Technical Interview

discussion on the mistakes that you hve done in the aptiude paper.. later to test your creative ability we were shown slides
on field problems which tested your basic thinking abilities in crunch situations..as in if this comp starts working what
other mechanism can you provide..

HR Interview

a 5 min interview about tell me abput urself.. y dont u take mangament.. will u be interested in working outside india.


for its reputation globally and and the growth oppurtunities to work in a new concern.. and if you have a passion for design
.. then this comp should be your destination.. for many companies provide only production managers or sales posts.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

the interview was one of its kind.the creative test and response to my doubts was over whelming. the technical aptitude
paper was highly admirable and tested ur real technical skills. for i hve seen papers wich test only only therotical technical
and not logical.

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