CpjJwWHV's Interview
763 unique views

Company: Geometric Limited
Package: Confidential
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

About Odd man serires out... ie) wats next in the serial train problems pick out the odd one english emanings

Technical Interview

Puzzles some alphabets are arranged in some order .. they asked me wat is the approach for the remaining alphabets.. on
this they asked me 3 questions... some beakers problems... amoeba gets doubled for every min... 2 ameba are placed in a
beaker,,.. 1ameba is paced in another placed in another beaker.. how much it takes to fill the beaker... and basic core
questions like streess strain diagram.. thermodynamic laws..

HR Interview

my personal profile.. why is my name kept like that.. any special reason for keeping ur name like tat.. willing to work
outside or not like that...


prepare your subject well and broaden your approach..

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

it was good experience... in interview they asked me about puzzles for about 30 min.. they saw my approach towards the
problem patience speak confident of what u are... about projects...

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