CpjJwWHV's Interview
1268 unique views

Package: 7.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

1.Analytical and logical reasoning. 2.Basic C/C++. 3.Data Structures. 4.Coding section -2 programs were given to be
coded in any language c/c++/JAVA. 5.Essay topic- ' Should government run business'.

Pattern of Group Discussion

A situation wherein a big ship is about to collapse . For the lifeboat provisions team we group of six people have to decide
a chief and deputy from among the six people on board given in the problem. I made a list of the skill sets of all six people
and finally decided with others to come upon a conclusion.

Technical Interview

1.programs given in the coding section of the aptitude paper. 2.project work. 3.sorting an array consisting of only 0's and
1's in least time complexity. 4.reversing a singly linked list 5.a puzzle on some 100 doors which are toggled in 100 passes.

HR Interview

1.give 3 reasons why GS should hire you? 2. give 3 reasons why GS should not hire you? 3.a puzzle on two ropes which
burn at unequal rates. 4.hobbies. 5.why GS?


1.Be confident. 2.Work hard at your analytical skills.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Though it was in the late night i didn't feel sleepy at all the selection process was really good and the interviews were
pretty cool as in i didn't get stressed or confused at any of them.

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