CpjJwWHV's Interview
1244 unique views

Company: DRDO
Package: 8.1 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
GPA criteria

CGPA 7.25 above (only top 2 from branch in respective categories)

Technical Interview

one techincal interview that lasted about 45mins
a panel of 5 ppl

Q1. 3 subjects that interest you.
A: Digital Image Processing, Computer Networks & Data Structures.

Q2. B.tech Project?
A: Image Fusion Using Wavelets

They each member took turns to ask anywhere btween 5-10 questions

What is sobel filter?
What are different edge detection algos.
Difference btw edge and boundary.
Draw the sobel Mask.
Diff. btw Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform
Why did u took a difficult topic as a B.Tech Project.
Difference btween signal processing and image processing.

Question on Sorting?
Can you reconstruct the tree given the pre order traveral sequence?
Whats Shekhar Sort
Two way bubble sort
Given a nested stacks how many pointers to you need and how will u implement the pushing and poping.
How can u find the jth largest element without sorting and still have log (n)
time complexity or less.

given two points that are 1.5 km apart which cable will you use.
some questions on protocols
diff bte routers, gateways, bridges.
data recovery mechanism


shorlisting only top 2.
One purely technical interview

Only me from ISM

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

1. shorlisting only top 2
2. One purely technical interview

Only me from ISM

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