CpjJwWHV's Interview
1042 unique views

Company: HP
Package: 4.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

in the technical written test, there was a paper on C programming. it had general C questions which were of the type>find
the output,error etc there was another paper of Data Structures which had some theory type questions and some output
finding questions there was a paper on Operating System which had 20 questions. all were theory type questions the entire
paper was objective type paper.

Technical Interview

In the technical interview , i was asked about my project and questions related to it.i was also asked general C based
questions. another question was about polymorphism. i was asked how to define a pointer to a function.

HR Interview

i was asked why did i came to warangal and not study in some engineering in my state of domicile. i was asked if i am
comfortable working anywhere in india. my hobbies and my involvement in team activities were asked.


my suggestion is that prepare C and OS well. and be confident while facing the interviews. clearing the written is the
difficult part but once the written is cleared, it all depends on how well you can communicate your ideas to the interviewer.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

I was confident in the entire procedure and that made a difference. I answered every question with confidence even where i
may have had doubts. In the end i got through and it made a difference. also another thing i would like to add is that the
written test was conducted by some external agency on behalf of HP.

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