CpjJwWHV's Interview
1112 unique views

Company: Wipro
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test
Quant - 20 questions
Verbal - 20 qns
Tech - 10 mainly from laand C Programming.

Technical Interview

Questions in Tech
1. Tell me about your project..since i told him about the DBMS project i had done..he went into details..ER daigram..Normalization..etc.
2. Which programming lang u r comfortable with? i told C..he asked a few questions from pointers..like define a pointer
3. Asked me to write a C program using pointers to swap two variables.
4. Interviewer went onto my networking project...just overview..when i was explaining my project.he handed over to me the yellow colour HR form.

Questions Mainly from Projects, C Programming and DBMS
If u r selected in Tech Interview u will be given a yellow colour HR form and sent to HR for HR interview

HR Interview

Tech Interview
Out of 49 who appeared in interview 18 were selected for HR interview
1. Tell me about urself
2. why ur marks in B. tech are less as compared to 10th and 12th.
3. Why Wipro
4. What is computer architecture
5. Do u have any problem with bond ?
6. Are u comfortable to join Wipro in any of the locations in India?


individual cutoff ( 50%) for each section was there.


1. Have full faith in urself and keep ur confidence level high
2. What u say must be clear
3. Don't write fake things in ur CV..eg if u dont know java then dont write java..otherwise u may be grilled
4. Build good programming skills.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Total 84 students appeared ..out of which 49 were selected for interview
Confidence Played the key role
Good understanding of my project
Luck and god's grace
Good communication and narrating skills

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