CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: IOCL
Package: 8.8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

Initial selection for the interview is purely based on CGPA later it all depends upon technical skills u have … Different types
of questions asked 1) Tell me about yourself? 2) What are your areas of interest? 3) What is heat treatment? 4) What are
different types of heat treatments? 5) Which steels have highest corrosion resistance? 6) What are stainless steels? 7) What
is composition of stainless steels? 8) How stainless steels act as corrosion resistant? 9) What are different types of stain
less steels and how will u differentiate? 10) What is corrosion? 11) What are different types of corrosion? 12) Why statue
of liberty not yet corroded? 13) How does u do cathodic protection? 14) We are planning to construct a pipeline, so how
can u help us in preventing corrosion of a pipeline? 15) What is cladding? Is it advisable to do cladding instead of cathodic
protection? 16) What are the effects of Mo, Cr on properties of stainless steels? 17) 5%Cr+0.5%Mo, 10%Cr+1%Mo which
steel is more corrosion resistant? Apart from technical questions they have asked very few general questions like Why you
have chosen metallurgy? Tell details about your project and training? My interview was about 15-20 min………….


prepare well in the areas corrosion , heat treatment , material technology , physical metallurgy .. be confident in answering
the questions ..all the best

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

it was nice experience to attend the IOCL interview ..

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